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单词 curse
curse/kɜ:s, AmE kɜ:rs/ n [-s/ ɪz/]; v [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)诅咒,咒语(word or words used to ask Godheavenor other supernatural forces to bring down evil or harm upon sb or sth)[Ca~][N(on)]:put/call down/pronounce a~on one's enemies诅咒敌人;be under a~遭到报应;lift a~收回诅咒;an old woman's/witch's~老妇/老巫婆的咒语;There is a~on this family.这家人家受人诅咒。〖反〗blessing;

(2)咒骂(的话)(word or words expressing violent angerhatredetc)[C]:His~made her blush.他的咒骂令她面红耳赤。do sth with a~咒骂着做某事;angrily muttered~s 生气的咒骂;shout~s at sb 朝某人大声咒骂;〖同〗swearing,oath;〖反〗blessing;

(3)祸根(因,水)(person or thing that causes great misfortuneevilharmetc)[C]:Loneliness in old age is the~of modern society.老年孤独是现代社会中的不幸。Gambling(His wealth) was/proved a~to him.赌博(财富)是/结果是他的祸根。She's the~of his life.她是他一生的祸根。Housework was the~of her life.家务劳动是她生活的灾难。Mankind's greatest~is poverty.人类最大的祸根是贫穷。the~ of inflation自满这个祸根;〖同〗misfortune,trouble,evil;

(4)月经((period of) menstruation)[Cthe~](sl):have (got) the~来月经了;

v (1)诅咒(call down God's angerevilmisfortuneetc upon sb)[II+prep(at),T+n]: He is~ing and stamping about like a wild man.他像疯了似的又诅咒又跺脚。~(at)one's own stupidity/one's bad luck诅咒自己笨/倒霉的运气;~(at)a stupid servant/everyone in sight诅咒愚蠢的仆人/每一个见到的人;~sb for his idolatry/spoiling one's plans诅咒某人盲目崇拜/毁了自己的计划;The old woman~d him saying that he would never have children.老太婆诅咒他永不得子。The witch~d him with strange and frightening words.巫师用奇怪而令人生畏的语言诅咒他。~and swear连声诅咒;~like a trooper恶毒诅咒;〖同〗swear;〖反〗praise;

(2)咒骂(use violent language;swear)[T+n]:~one's enemies/one's ungrateful daughter/the unwilling horse/the day one was born咒骂敌人/忘恩负义的女儿/不情愿走的马/自己出生的日子;〖反〗bless;

be cursed with 遭受……痛苦(折磨):be~d with blindness/poor health/bad luck/a violent temper/idle sons遭受失明/病弱/坏运/脾气暴烈/有懒惰儿子之苦;

→′cursed adj 可恶的;讨厌的;′cursedly adv 可恶(讨厌)地;

【辨异】curseswear都可表示“诅咒”之意,可换用。curse为通常用语,指生气祈求上天降灾祸于人,如:curse one's enemies(咒骂敌人);swear(诅咒,起誓)则是用上天或某圣人或圣物的名字来表示感叹,以加重语气或表示气愤,如:swear in every sentence(每句话中都夹杂着诅咒)。





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