单词 | cup |
释义 | cup/kʌp/ n;vt [-pp-] n (1)杯子(small round open container,usu with a handle to hold liquid for drinking)[C]:a set of~s一套杯子;a paper/plastic/china~纸/塑料/瓷杯;a coffee~咖啡杯;a~and saucer带托碟的茶杯; (2)(装有饮料的)杯(this container with the liquid in it)[C]:You are making coffee? I'd love a~.你在煮咖啡? 我想喝一杯。pour a~of tea/coffee斟一杯茶/咖啡; (3)一杯(之量)(amount this container will hold)[C](= cupful):a ~of tea/coffee/milk/flour/sugar 一杯茶/咖啡/牛奶/面粉/糖;have/drink two~s of sth喝了两杯……;Would you like a~? 你要喝一杯吗? 〖同〗cupful; (4)1)奖杯(cup-shaped ornamental vessel,usu made of gold,silver or other metal,awarded as a prize in sports events)[C]:the Football League C~ 足球杯;win the~赢得奖杯;win a~for the Best Roses 赢得最佳玫瑰花赛奖杯;compete for the World Cup争夺世界杯;A silver cup was given to the winner.获胜者得到了一个银质奖杯。2)奖杯赛(competition for which the prize is a cup)[C,the~]:play in the~参加奖杯赛;be knocked out of the C~in the second round比赛到第二轮时被淘汰;get to the third round of the C~进入奖杯赛的第三轮比赛;In the Grand Challenge Cup,the 1987 champion was beaten.优胜杯大赛中,1987年的冠军被击败了。 (5)杯状物(thing similar in shape to a deep narrow bowl)[C]:a brassiere~乳罩;the~of a bra(ssiere)/a flower/a tulip/an acorn乳罩/花萼/郁金香花萼/橡子托;an egg-~放熟鸡蛋的托杯;wear a D~戴D号胸罩;in the~of sb's hand捧在手中; (6)(混合)酒(specially prepared drink of wine or another alcoholic drink)[U]:cider~ 苹果汁酒;claret~ 红葡萄酒混合饮料; →′cupful n 一杯之量;′cup-final n 决赛(尤指足球);′cup-tie n 夺杯赛(尤足球); vt (1)形成杯状(form(esp one's hands)into a shape like a cup)[T+n]:~one's hands round one's mouth/the lighter双手捂住嘴/拢住打火机;~one's hands to catch a ball双手捧着去接球; (2)成杯状托住(hold sth in one's cupped hands)[T+n,T+n+prep]:~one's chin in one's hands双手托腮;~the mug of hot tea in one's hands to warm them双手捧住热茶杯以取暖 |
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