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单词 一窍不通

一窍不通yī qiào bù tōng

an absolute blockhead;a nonentity; as ignorant as the day one was born;be a complete ignoramus; be all Greek to sb; be a sealed book to sb; be entirely unfamiliar with; be(completely) beyond sb;be utterly ignorant of sth;know (absolutely) nothing about; know little of; not know the A B C of sth; be out of one’s element
❍ 那我可~。That is all Greek to me.
❍ 我对这~。It’s a sealed book to me.
❍ 譬如我们中国人专门会作八股,然而也必要读书人才会; 读书人当中,也还有作的好,作的丑之分别。叫我们生意人看着他,就~的了。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》225) Similarly we Chinese are specialists in writing the eight-legged essay,but only scholars can do this,and among these scholars there are those who can do it well and those who cannot.For instance,it is completely beyond us business men.
❍ 这个笨头笨脑的罗伯特,只配在他的大炮跟前叫喊“开火”,对于政治,他简直~。(杨佩瑾《剑》92) The stupid Roberts,completely ignorant of politics,was only good at shouting“fire”to his gunners.
❍ 虽然他是~的浑虫,可是双桥镇上并无 ‘镇长’ 之流的官儿,他也还明白。(茅盾《子夜》174) Ignoramus though he was,he knew there was no such official as mayor in his town,…/真糟糕!卢兄,我对于革命救国的道理真是~。(杨沫《青春之歌》110) I feel so bad,Brother Lu,because I know absolutely nothing about the revolution or what we should do to save the country.


know nothing about;have no knowledge of;be completely ignorant of

一窍不通yī qiào bù tōnɡ

窍:孔窍,这里指心窍。比喻什么也不懂。know nothing about(of), out of one’s elements, in a fag, be a complete ignoramus





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