笨bèn ❶ (能力差;不聪明) stupid;dull;foolish:~ 人 a stupid person;fool;ignoramus; 愚 ~ stupid; 脑子 ~ stupid;slow-witted ❷ (不灵巧;不灵活) clumsy;awkward:嘴 ~ clumsy of speech; 他的一双手很 ~。 He is clumsy with his hands. ❸ (费力气的;笨重的) cumbersome;heavy;awkward;unwieldy:粗 ~ heavy and awkward; 家具太 ~,搬起来很不方便。 The furniture is too cumbersome to move. ◆笨伯 [书] (蠢人) clumsy fellow;fool;slow-witted;imbecile; 笨得要命 be as stupid as an owl;be as stupid as they make them; 笨鸟先飞 Clumsy birds have to start flying early — the slow need to start early.;A slow sparrow should make an early start. ;笨手笨脚 clumsy-handed;awkward;have a hand like a foot;have one's fingers all thumbs;be all thumbs;One's hands are clumsy.; 笨重 heavy;cumbersome;unwieldy;heavy (and arduous); 笨拙 clumsy;awkward;stupid;slow-witted |