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单词 虎视眈眈

虎视眈眈hǔ shì dān dān

glare like a tiger eyeing its prey; like a tiger casting a greedy eye on its prey;eye covetously (/fiercely/menancingly)
❍ 他象看见周围黑暗的一双双~的眼睛,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》444) Baleful eyes seemed to glare at him in the surrounding darkness.
❍ 当他意识到他们是飞虎队以后,他们在他眼里仿佛都~了。(知侠《铁道游击队》452) Once he realized this he seemed to detect the fierceness of a tiger in every eye.
❍ 你看这里这些人,因见老太太多疼了宝玉和凤姐姐两个,他们尚~,背地里言三语四的,何况于我?(《红楼梦》560) Look how jealous these people are and how much gossip there is here because the old lady favours Baoyu and Xifeng. In my case,they’d resent it even more.
❍ 几个外国巡捕,守卫着码头出口,~地盯着过往行人。(陶承《我的一家》45) Foreign policemen stood on guard at the dock gates like hungry tigers glaring at the people passing by.
❍ 房上敌人的机关枪,~地对准了铁门外的大队学生。(杨沫《青春之歌》72) The enemy machine-guns on the roof were trained on the students outside the iron gate,lying in wait like ravening tigers.
❍ 说完他平端着枪,拉开了架势,透过防护帽,两只眼睛~地瞅着刘伟诚,等待他的进攻。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》188) He levelled his rifle and took a stance,his eyes boldly fixed on his opponent,waiting for Liu’s first move.


glare like a tiger eyeing its prey;eye covetously
霸权主义像只老虎,对全世界都~。Like a greedy tiger,the hegemonists cast a covetous eye on the rest of the world.

虎视眈眈hǔ shì dān dān

眈眈:注视的样子。像老虎觅食时那样凶狠地看着。eye covetously, glare at fiercely, cast greedy eyes on





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