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单词 daily
daily/′deɪli/ adj & adv [无comp];n [-yies/z/]

adj 每日(天)的(doneproducedappear-ing or happening every day or every weekday) [作attrib]:a~walk/visit/record每天的散步/拜访/记录;a~wage/newspaper日工资/日报;~output/routine/labour/living每天的产量/例行事务/劳动/生计;~use/necessities日用/日用品;The D~Mail 《每日邮报》;The D~News 《每日新闻》;This is a~occurrence. 这种事每天发生。be paid on a~basis 按日得到报酬;earn one'sbread 谋生;do one'sdozen 每天做操锻炼;

adv 每日,天天((done produced happening or appearing etc) once a day or everyday or every weekday):work on a book/write one's memoirs/appear~每天写书/写回忆录/出现;wind the clock/go to work/get newspapers delivered~每天给钟上发条/去上班/收到报纸;go somewhere/milk cows twice~每天去某处/挤牛奶两次;

n(1) 日报(newspaper published every day or every weekday) [C]:The~ies have not appeared today. 日报今天还没有出来。

(2) 不住宿的女佣(woman servant who is paid to do sb's housework every day or on certain days of the week but doesn't live there)(=daily help) [C](infml, 尤BrE):Our~(help) comes only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.我们请的计日女工周一、周三、周五才来。





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