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单词 curtain
curtain/′kɜ:tn, AmE ′kɜ:rtn/ n & vt

n (1)1)窗帘(piece of hanging material that can be drawn to cover a windowand usu movable sideways)[C]:draw the~s (close) 拉上窗帘;pull the~s(apart)拉开窗帘;close/shut/open the~合上/合上/拉开窗帘;~rods吊挂窗帘的杆子; 2)帘(帐子)(similar piece of material hung up as a decorationshade or screen)[C]:a shower~淋浴隔帘;a~in the doorway门口处的帘子;pull the~s round the patient's bed拉帘把病人的床围住;

(2)1)幕布(sheet of hanging material that can be drawn or lowered on a theatre or cinema stage)[C]:the~in a theatre that hides the stage from view剧院里挡住舞台的帷幕;The~rose/went up/fell/dropped/came down.幕起/起/落/落/落。take one's~call谢幕;The~has fallen on her long and distinguished career.(fig)她漫长而又杰出的职业生涯落下了帷幔。~call/raiser(演员)出场谢幕/正戏前的开场戏(前奏);ring up/down the~(on sth)鸣铃开幕/闭幕;标志……开始/结束; 2)开(闭)幕(start or end of a performancesceneact or play)[Csing]:an 8:30~8点半开幕;first-act~第一幕开(闭)幕;after the final~最后闭幕之后;

(3)掩蔽(之物)(sth like this that acts as a screen or cover)[C]:(soldiers) hidden by/behind a~of black smoke(战士)在黑色烟幕的掩蔽下;a~of fog/mist/rain/artillery fire/secrecy雾障/雾障/雨帘/炮火掩护/保密措施;A dense~of reeds stretches across the water.密密的芦苇像屏障一般横在水面上;an impenetrable~of blonde hair浓密的金色披发;

(4)死亡,完蛋,绝境 (complete end of; hopeless situation)[pl][N(for)](infml):If you are late once more/you go on like that,it'll be~s for you.如果你再迟到一回/还那样,你就完了。

vt 装上帘子;掩蔽(provide or shut off with or as if with a curtain or curtains)[T+n]:buy enough material to~all the rooms/the house买足够的布给所有的房间/整座房子装上窗帘;~a window in green velvet用绿天鹅绒布做窗帘;~ed windows拉上窗帘的窗户;~off each bed用帷帐把每张床隔开;A spy's work is always~ed with mystery.间谍的工作总是笼罩着一层神秘的色彩。





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