doctrinen. teaching,instruction,lesson 教导,教育,教训。 △Rom.1.1.244 (238): “I’ll pay that doctrine.”i.e.give that instruction. 我一定要这样劝导你。 doctrine[ˈdɔktrin]n.教条(义),主义,学说,原则,条令 ‖ doctrinairism n.教条主义教条主义的 doctrinal adj. doctrinaire adj.教条主义的 doctrinarian n.教条主义者 doctrine of absolute equalization绝对平均主义 doctrine of act of state国家行为说 doctrine of analogy类推原则 doctrine of autogenesis自然发生说 doctrine of being存在论 doctrine of catastrophes灾难论 doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital劳资合作论 doctrine of comparative cost比较成本说 doctrine of comparative value比较价值说 doctrine of conservation保守主义 doctrine of consistancy一贯原则 doctrine of corpus delicti尸体证据原则 doctrine of disclosure公开原则,公开主义 doctrine of double truth双重真理 doctrine of economic liberalism经济自由学说 doctrine of education教育原理 doctrine of elites精英理论 doctrine of Eros爱慕论 doctrine of essence本质论 doctrine of final cause终极原则论 doctrine of formal discipline正式管教学说 doctrine of free will自由意志论 doctrine of humanity人性论 doctrine of identification诉讼合一主义 doctrine of incorporation法律编入说 doctrine of intentionality意向性学说 doctrine of judicial precedent司法判例主义 doctrine of levels层次论 doctrine of liberal construction从宽解释原则 doctrine of liberal construction从宽解释原则 doctrine of limited government政府权力有限说 doctrine of marshalling按顺序分配原则 doctrine of materiality重点原则 doctrine of maximum satisfaction最大满足学说 doctrine of non-intervention不干涉主义 doctrine of non-responsibility不负责任说 doctrine of occasional cause偶因论 doctrine of original sin原罪说 doctrine of part performance部分履行原则 doctrine of precedent先例原则 doctrine of preexistence of the soul灵魂先在说 doctrine of presumption过错推定原则 doctrine of recollection冥想说 doctrine of reminiscence回忆说 doctrine of res inter alios acta他人行为排斥主义 doctrine of res ipsa loquitur事实推定原则 doctrine of retroactivity溯及既往原则 doctrine of salvation救世说 doctrine of stare decisis判例约束主义 doctrine of state immunity国家豁免权学说 doctrine of Stoics斯多葛学说 doctrine of strict construction从严解释原则 doctrine of supremacy of law法律至上原则 doctrine of the ineffability of philosophy哲学的不可名状学说 doctrine of the predestination预定说 doctrine of the presumption of innocence无罪推定原则 doctrine of undisclosed principal隐名代理原则 doctrine of unilaterial relation片面关系说 doctrine of uti possidetis占有主义 doctrine of waiver弃权原则 doctrines and tactics of the combined arms诸兵种合同原则与战术 doctrinist n.教义至上主义者 |