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单词 大张旗鼓

大张旗鼓dà zhāng qí gǔ

with colours flying and bands playing—attract attention publicly;launch a vigorous campaign; on a large (/grand) scale;give great (/wide) publicity to; make (/raise) a big fanfare; put up a pageantry
❍ 贵族家里又~地做寿……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》112)…and the houses of the nobility became very lively with noisy birthday parties,…/上海这样轰轰烈烈~地进行“三反”运动,你不讲,别人不会讲吗? (周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—514)With the “Three Antis” campaign in full swing,rocking Shanghai to its foundations,do you suppose that if you don’t say no one else will?/还有人替李国瑞出个主意: ~地变卖家产。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—714)Some suggested that the marquis should sell some of his properties publicly to attract attentions.


vigorously and resolutely;on a grand scale;in a big way;with a great fanfare
~的宣传 give wide publicity;conduct vigorous propaganda

大张旗鼓dà zhānɡ qí ɡǔ

张:陈设,铺排。大量摆出战旗、战鼓。比喻造成很大声势。in a big way, launch a vigorous campaign, on a large scale, on a grand scale, make a big fanfare





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