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单词 大庭广众

大庭广众dà tíng guǎng zhòng

before a big crowd(/a large audience); in broad daylight; in front of everybody; in public places; on a public occasion
❍ 但这么行下来了,习惯了,虽在~之间,谁也不觉得奇怪;现在给它特别一提,就动人。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—148) It is only because they have gone on till men are accustomed to them that even in public and among the masses they occasion no surprise; yet specially pointed out they create a sensation.
❍ 总有人啦,你是在~之中做的事啦! (郭沫若 《屈原》 109) There were witnesses. You did it i n public.
❍ 啊,我真没有料到,在这样~当中,……(郭沫若《沫若文集》Ⅲ—230) Ah,I really could not have foreseen it,in the public court of all places,…

大庭广众dà tīnɡ ɡuǎnɡ zhònɡ

庭:厅堂。形容人很多的地方。a big crowded, on a public occasion, in public places, in broad day light, before large audience





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