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单词 大张挞伐

大张挞伐dà zhāng tà fá

declare war on a country to punish its iniquities; denounce sb; launch attacks on sb;send large armed forces to suppress on a big scale
❍ 他掌权时,经常对持不同意见的人~。When he was in power,he often launched attacks on those who held different views from his.
❍ 从此以后,皇帝对这里的少数民族就~。After that the emperor sent large armed forces to suppress the national minorities in this area on a big scale.

大张挞伐dà zhānɡ tà fá

张:施展;挞伐:征讨。使用武力大规模地讨伐。也指对人进行攻击或声讨。launch attacks on sb., declare war on a country to punish it for its iniquities, denounce sb.





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:30:17