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单词 date
date/′deɪt/ nv [-d, -d/ ɪd/; -eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1) 日期(specific numbered day and month and/or specific year in which sth happened or is to happen) [C]:“What's the~today (What's today's~)?” “(Today's~is) June the 8th (or the 8th of June).”“今天是几月几号?”“(今天是)6月8日。” “When/What was the~of her birth (her~of birth)? ” “(The~was)October the 5th, 1941 (or the 5th of October, 1941). ”“她出生的日子是哪天?”“1941年10月5日。” The~changes at midnight. 两个日子的交界为半夜时分。fix (set) the~for the wedding/the convention/the picnic确定结婚/大会/野餐的日期;fix (settle) the~of sb's departure/the meeting 确定某人离开/会议的日期;No~was announced for the talks. 没有宣布会谈的日期。On what~was the meeting? 会议什么日子开的? change the~to Nov. 10th把日期改为11月10日; Shakespeare's~s are 1564 to 1616. 莎士比亚的生卒年份为1564至1616年。The~of the battle of Waterloo was 1815. 滑铁卢战役的时间是1815年。give a precise~定一个确切的日子;I never remember~s.我总是记不住日期。2)(书、信、硬币等上所标的)日期(indication printed written or stamped(on a book letter coin etc)) [C]:the~of a book书的出版日期;The cornerstone/manuscript bears the~1930(4 May 1930). 基石/手稿上的日期是1930年(1930年5月4日)。There's no~on the cheque/the book/the coin.(The cheque/book/coin has no~on it.)支票/书/硬币上无日期。The~on the letter/the coin is 10 May 1940(1940). 信/硬币上的日期是1940年5月10日(1940年)。

(2) 年代,时期(period of time in history) [U]:The~of Renaissance is sometimes considered to be from the 14th to the 17th century. 人们有时认为文艺复兴时期是从14世纪至17世纪。at that~在那个年代;Egyptian tombs of an early~早期的埃及古墓;The vase is of very early/late~. 这花瓶是很早/晚时期的。〖同〗period, age, era, epoch;

(3) 1) 约会(appointment to meet sb at a certain time and place) [C](infml):make(arrange) a~to meet at the office/to go to the cinema 约定在办公室见面/去看电影;make a~for next Saturday约定下周六相会;have a~for lunch(with a client/one's friend) on Saturday 约了(当事人/朋友)在周六吃午饭;That's a~then — tomorrow at 10. 就这么定了——明天10点。〖同〗appointment,engagement; 2)(异性)约会(appointment to go out with a person of the opposite sex) [C](infml):have a~with a girl/a boy 与一个姑娘/男孩有约会;go out on a~出去赴约;ask sb for a~to go to a film 约请某人去看电影;3)(异性)约会对象(person with whom one has such an appointment) [C](infml)(尤AmE):My~is meeting me at eight. 我的对象8点和我见面。dance with one's~与对象跳舞;take/bring one's~to a party 带对象去/来参加聚会;Who's your~for tonight? 你今天晚上的约会对象是谁? introduce one's~to a friend向朋友介绍自己的对象;

(be/go)out of date 过时:(clothes/ideas/words) be (rather)/go out of~(衣服/思想/用语)(太)过时/过时了;

bring sth/be up to date 使跟上/跟上时代:(clothes/idea/words) be (very) up to~(衣服/思想/用语)(很)符合潮流;(sb) be (very) up to~in his thinking/his method(某人)在思想/方法上(很)现代; bring the matter/one's records up to ~使事情/某人的记录跟上时代;

to date 迄今为止:The police have not found the runaway to~. 警察迄今为止还未找到逃犯。

→͵out-of-′date, ͵out′dated adj 过时的,陈旧的; ͵up-to-′date adj 现代的,最新的;′dateless adj 经久不衰的;′date-stamp n 日戳;

v (1) 注明日期(have or put a date on sth) [T+n]:~a cheque/a letter 在支票/信上注上日期;The letter/appeal was~d July 20 (a week ago). 这信/申诉书上的日期是7月20日(一周以前)。a deed~d 1890 注明日期为1890年的财产证书;

(2) 确定年代(find out the age of sth) [T+n]:~rocks/fossils/tools/paintings/pottery/houses (at about 1080) 确定岩石/化石/工具/绘画/陶瓷/房子的年代(大约为1080年);The statue has been~d as 5th century BC. 这雕像已被确定为公元前5世纪的。The shape of the pot~s it at around AD 900. 根据这壶的形状可以推定它是公元900年前后制作的。

(3) 过时,不流行((cause to)seem no longer modern or fashionable) [T+n I]:The clothes/fashions/books/types of music have begun to~. 这些衣服/这些式样/这些书/这种曲子已经开始过时了。His wrinkles/clothes/taste in pop music~(s)him. 他的皱纹/衣服/对流行音乐的欣赏力使他显得老(跟不上时代)了。The views he expressed 50 years ago have not~d (much). 他50年前表达的观点现在仍未(怎么)过时。

(4) 赴约,约会(go out once or regularly with(a member of the opposite sex)) [T+n I](infml)(尤AmE):He~d her yesterday/once. 他与她昨天约会了/约会过一次。She~s several boys. 她与几个小伙子约会。They have been~ing(each other) for two years. 他们约会有两年了。

date back to/from(v adv prep/v prep) 时间可追溯到……/始自……:The church/castle/town/manuscript/custom~s back to(from) the 10th century/Roman times. 这教堂/城堡/镇子/手稿/习俗建(写/始)于10世纪/罗马时代。Our friendship/partnership~s from before the war(back to 1970). 我们的友谊/合作始自战前(1970年)。

→′dated adj 过时的;

【说明】日期的写法:一般写为数字,如:the year 1980,April 1980,April 10(th), 1980(或10(th) April, 1980);仅有特殊意义的日子或节假日才用数词:如:the first of April,有时全用数字,但注意:10/4/80在BrE中指10 April, 1980,在AmE中指4 October, 1980。





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