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单词 carpet
carpet/′kɑ:pɪt, AmE ′kɑ:r-/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n(1)地毯(thick heavy woollen covering for floors or stairs)[U]:The floor was covered with some bits of old~.地上铺着几块旧地毯。

(2)一块地毯(shaped piece of thisusu fitted to the size of a particular room)[C]:lay (fit) a~in a room/a house在房间/房子内铺(大小合适的)地毯;(room/ floor)be covered with a wall-to-wall~(房间/地板)铺满了地毯;an old brown~一块旧的褐色地毯;The stair~is very badly worn. 楼梯上的地毯破旧不堪。〖同〗rug,mat;

(3)(地上的)一厚层……(something that covers like a carpet)[C]:A~of flowers/leaves/moss/snow/grass厚厚的一层花/树叶/苔藓/雪/草;〖同〗layer,covering;

on the carpet被叫到上司面前挨斥责:You'll be on the~for that.你会因为那事让上司叫去挨训斥的。

→′carpet-bag n 毡制旅行袋;′carpet-slippers n 室内软拖鞋;′carpet-sweeper n 带旋转刷的扫毯器;

vt (1)铺上地毯;复盖上……(cover with or as if with a carpet)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:~the floor/the stairs/the corridor在地板/楼梯/走廊上铺上地毯;(ground)be~ed with flowers/fallen leaves(地面)覆盖着花/落叶;

(2)责备(blame;scold)[T+n,尤 pass](BrE,infml):~sb for bad work/his mistake责备某人活儿干得不好/犯了错误





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