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单词 credit
credit/′kredɪt/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)1)赊购(账),信用((permission for)payment for sth one buys at a later date until after it bas been received)[U]:buy(have)food/furniture/a car on~赊账购买(得到)食物/家具/汽车;sell goods on~赊售货物;refuse/grant/give/extend sb~拒绝/同意/让/让某人赊账购物;No~is given (extended) at this shop/to a new customer.本店/新顾客不(不得)赊购。have a~limit of £100 最多可赊购100英磅的东西;~account/card/period/agreement/rating/note信用(赊购)账/卡/期限/协议/估计/(保值)票据; 2)赊账期(period of time allowed before the full price of an article bought on credit must be paid)[U]:allow/give sb six months' (interest-free)~允许/给某人六个月(无息)赊账期;double one's~使赊账期延长一倍;get unlimited~获得无限定的赊账期; 3)(还债,付赊账款的)信誉(reputation for paying debts or for goods and financially honest)[U]:have good~at all stores在所有的店铺都信誉很好(都能赊到商品);His~is good. You can trust him.他的信誉不错,你可以信任他。His~is good for only £80.他的信誉仅限于80英磅。Your~is good with us at the moment.你在我们这里的信誉眼下是很好的。The corporation's international~is excellent. 这家贸易公司的国际信誉极佳。show oneself to be a man of the highest possible~表明自己是一个信誉极高的人;〖同〗trustworthiness,credibility;

(2)(银行)存款((amount of)money in sb's bank account)[U]:have a large~with a bank在一家银行存有一大笔钱;have a~balance of £100/an outstanding~of £100 户头上还余有/还有未支付的100英磅;How much have I standing to my~?(How much do I have to my~?) 我户头上还有多少存款? Your~amounted to/stood at £500 at the close of the day.到今天结账时你的户头上的存款共计有500英镑。Your account is in~.你的户头上还有存款。

(3)1)贷款,信贷(sum of money loaned by a banketc to a customer;loan)[C]:The bank gave/refused to give further~to the company.银行给予/拒绝给予这家公司新的贷款。~squeeze信贷紧缩;~transfer(银行间)转账; 2)(簿记)贷方(项)((in book keeping)(written record of a) sum of money received in payment for sth)[C]:Is this item a debit or a~? 这笔账是借项还是贷项? Our~s are greater than debits.我们的贷项款数比借项款数大。Please enter this amount of money as a~in the books.请把这笔钱记在账本里的贷项下。~side/column(账本右边的)贷方栏;〖反〗debit;

(4)相信;信任,信赖(belief;trust;confidence)[U]:The story/rumour is gaining(losing)~.这谎言/谣言相信的人越来越多(少)。give~to a story相信一谎言;give sb~for common sense相信某人有一般常识;place full (no)~in sb's abilities/the truthfulness of sth完全(不)相信某人的能力/某事的可信性;Recent developments lend~to what they told us/previous reports.近来的事态发展证实了他们告诉我们的话/先前的报告。〖同〗belief,trust,confidence,faith;〖反〗discredit;

(5) 1)荣誉(耀),表(赞)扬(praise;approval;favourable notice or regard)[U][N(for)](注意与之连用的动词):get all the~for a discovery/the dandy work因一项发现/一流的工作获得各种荣誉;deserve~for the success因成功当之无愧受到表扬;gain a lot of~获得大量荣誉;I did all the work and he took all the~(for it).工作都是我做的,可他得了全部荣誉。take~for the violence自称那暴行是自己干的;take~for the work done by others自称别人做的工作是自己做的;take~for having written a book one has not written自称一本别人写的书是自己写的;claim all the ~for oneself声称所有的荣誉都是自己的;be given the~for sincerity/doing sth/what one has done/one's contribution/one's invention因诚挚/做某事/所做的事/贡献/发明而得到荣誉;Give~where it's due.该赞扬的就要赞扬。Much~accrued to him.不断地给予他许多荣誉。There was little~for those who had worked hardest.那些干得最起劲的人却几乎没有得到表扬。share the~for the book's success分享那本书成功的荣耀;(one's achievement/sb) bring (reflect) great~to(on)one's regiment/one's motherland/one's parents/one's teachers(成就/某人)给自己的团/祖国/父母/老师带来巨大荣誉;〖同〗praise,approval,recognition,honour,esteem,glory;〖反〗discredit,disgrace,shame; 2)荣耀,光荣(cause of honour)[C, 通常sing]:Your son is a real~(much of a~) to you/his school/his team.你儿子真是(很是)你/他学校/他们队的光荣。The brilliant pupils are a~to their teacher/their parents/their families.这些杰出的学生是他们老师/父母/家庭的光荣。His behaviour is a~to his parents.他的表现是他父母的光荣。〖同〗honour;

(6)学分(entry on a record showing that a student has completed a course of study)[C](尤AmE):gain~s in Math/English获得数学/英语的学分;receive a~for the course得到了这门课的一个学分;take three~s of math得数学课的三个学分;a three-~course (a course for three~s) 一门三学分的课程;

(7)演职人员名单(list of names of the people who acted indirectedproducedetc a filmTV programmeetcshown at the beginning or end)[pl](=credit titles):His name appeared in the~s.他的名字在演职人员表上出现了。

be to sb's credit 使值得称赞:It is (greatly)to your~that you were so honest/you didn't give up in spite of the pressures.你这么诚实/没有屈服于压力是值得称赞的。Greatly to his~,he came out first. 值得表扬的是他得了第一名。

do sb credit/do credit to sb/sth 为……增光:Your success/honesty/neat appearance does you~(does~to your family).你的成功/诚实/整洁的外表为你(你的家人)增光。The student does~to your teaching.这学生给你的教学增光。It does him~that he managed not to get angry.他没有发火,这值得表扬。

have sth to sb's credit 获得成就(成功):He's not yet thirty and already he has four successful books/films/plays to his~.他还不到30岁,就已经成功地写了四本书/拍了四部电影/演了四部戏了。

→′credit-worthy adj 有信誉的;′credit-worthiness n 信誉;

vt (1)相信……具有……;把……归功于……(believe that sb/sth has sth;attribute sth to sb/sth)[T+n+prep(with/to)]:~sb with common sense/much intelligence相信某人具有一般常识/很有才智;The relics/ordinary objects were~ed with miraculous(magical) powers.遗骸/平常物件被认为具有神奇(魔术般)的力量。Many herbs were~ed with healing powers.许多药草被认为具有治愈作用。~sb with founding modern biology把创建现代生物学的功绩归于某人;Edison is~ed with the invention of the phonograph.人们把留声机的发明归功于爱迪生。Miraculous powers were~ed to the relics.人们认为那些遗物具有神奇的力量。~the song to Haydn把那支歌归于海顿所创作;~a defeat to poor planning把失败归咎于计划不周;~sb's queerness to his solitude把某人的怪脾气归咎于他的离群索居;〖同〗attribute;

(2)记入账中(贷方)(enter (a sum of money)on the credit side(of an account))[T+n+prep(with/on)]:~a customer('s account)with £100/the returned goods/the value of a suit/the amount of a bill在一顾客的名下(账上)记下100英镑/送回的货物/一身衣服的价钱/账单上的款数;Your account has been~ed with £100.你的账上已记上了欠款100英镑。~£100 (the returned goods/the checks/the amount) to a customer('s account)/an account 把100英镑(送回的货物/支票/这个数目)记在一顾客/账户的欠账上;

(3)相信(believe;trust)[T+n](主要用于疑问句和否定句):He~ed her explanation for the delay.他相信她对耽搁的解释。Well,would you~that!啊,你还真信那事!Do you really~the government's statement? 你真的相信政府的声明吗? How could you~such a wild story/absurd tale? 你怎么能相信这么荒谬的谎言/可笑的传闻? I could not(hardly)~what he said/his narrative. 我不(几乎不)相信他说的事/他的叙述。〖同〗believe,trust,accept;〖反〗disbelieve,distrust,question,doubt;

→′creditable adj 值得赞扬的;′creditably adv 值得赞扬地;′creditor n 债主(权人)





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