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单词 出类拔萃

出类拔萃chū lèi bá cuì

above the level of one’s fellow-creatures; achieve prominence;at the top of the tree; be among the select best; be head and shoulders above others; be out of the common run;best of all; be distinguished from one’s kind; cap all;eminent;far above the average; outstanding; par excellence; prominent; remarkable; rise above the herd (/level); stand out among equals (/one’s fellows); rise above the level; stand out from the rest; sublime;the best of the bunch; the brightest;the choice of; tower above the rest
❍ 当今的文人中谁是~的英雄呢?就是说谁也不是! (郭沫若《李白与杜甫》179) He was all the more in doubt whether any one among his contemporaries had achieved the similar prominence.
❍ 倘以为与其所得的不是~的婴儿,不如断种,那就无话可说。(鲁迅《华盖集·这个与那个(四)》114)If we think extermination preferable to bearing children who are not outstanding,there is nothing more to be said.
❍ 出于其类,拔乎其萃,…… (《孟子·公孙丑下》) But they stand out from their fellows,and rise above the level,…/其中又见林黛玉是个~的,便更与黛玉亲敬异常。(《红楼梦》609) Noticing too that Daiyu stood out from the rest,she treated her even more affectionately.

出类拔萃chū lèi bá cuì

出:超过;类:同类;拔:超过。萃:草丛生的样子,比喻聚集在一起的人(物)。形容品德、才能超出一般人。be out of the common run, far above the average, unique, fill the bill, achieve prominence, at the top of the tree, best of all, rise above the level





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