症状zhènɡ zhuànɡSymptom柏油状大便 [bǎi yóu zhuànɡ dà biàn] pass tarry stools 背痛 [bèi tònɡ] have a pain in the back 鼻涕 [bí tì] mucus in/from the nose; snivel 鼻子不通 [bí zi bù tōnɡ] have a stuffedup nose 便秘 [biàn mì] constipation; astride 病情 [bìnɡ qínɡ] state of an illness; patient’s condition 病情公报 [bìnɡ qínɡ ɡōnɡ bào] medical bulletin 病容 [bìnɡ rónɡ] sickly look 病危 [bìnɡ wēi] critically/terminally ill 充血 [chōnɡ xuè] hyperemia; congestion; injection 出现黄疸 [chū xiàn huánɡ dǎn] be jaundiced; have jaundie 出疹子 [chū zhěn zi] come out in a rash 打喷嚏 [dǎ pēn tì] sneeze 大便不正常 [dà biàn bú zhènɡ chánɡ] irregular bowel movement 大便困难 [dà biàn kùn nɑn] have difficulty in passing one’s motions 大便如何 [dà biàn rú hé] How are the bowels? 大便失禁 [dà biàn shī jìn] incontinence of feces; be unable to hold one’s motions 大便四次 [dà biàn sì cì] have four motions 胆固醇不正常 [dǎn ɡù chún bú zhènɡ chánɡ] have an abnormal blood cholesterol level 盗汗 [dào hàn] night sweat 低血糖 [dī xuè tánɡ] hypoglycemia 肚子痛 [dù zi tònɡ] have a pain in the abdomen 恶心 [ě xīn] nausea 耳鸣 [ěr mínɡ] ringing in the ear; tinnitus 耳痛 [ěr tònɡ] have a pain in the ear 发冷 [fā lěnɡ] feel chilly; cold fit 发麻 [fā má] have pins and needles 发烧 [fā shāo] run a fever/temperature; feverish 发炎 [fā yán] inflammation; be inflamed 发痒 [fā yǎnɡ] itch; itchy 放屁 [fànɡ pì] break wind; pass flatus; fart 浮肿 [fú zhǒnɡ] dropsy 腹内肿块 [fù nèi zhǒnɡ kuài] abdominal mass 腹水 [fù shuǐ] ascites; ascitic fluid 干咳 [ɡān ké] dry cough 干呕 [ɡān ǒu] retch 肝大可以触知 [ɡān dà kě yǐ chù zhī] liver be palpable 肝大一指 [ɡān dà yī zhǐ] liver be palpable one finger breath 肝肿大 [ɡān zhǒnɡ dà] enlargement of the liver; hepatomegaly 感到不舒服 [ɡǎn dào bú shū fú] feel very bad; not to feel well 感到疼 [ɡǎn dào ténɡ] feel pain 感觉虚弱 [ɡǎn jué xū ruò] feel run down; feel limp/weak 寒颤 [hán zhàn] shivering 呼吸困难 [hū xī kùn nɑn] have difficulty in breathing; respiratory difficulty 化脓 [huà nónɡ] suppurate; suppuration 幻觉 [huàn jué] hallucination 幻视 [huàn shì] photism 幻听 [huàn tīnɡ] phonism 黄疸 [huánɡ dǎn] jaundice 昏迷 [hūn mí] (in a) coma 昏厥 [hūn jué] faint; pass/black out 肌肉刺疼 [jī ròu cì ténɡ] have a tingling sensation in one’s muscles 疖子 [jiē zi] boil; furuncle 惊厥 [jīnɡ jué] convulsion 痉挛 [jìnɡ luán] cramp 局部发炎 [jú bù fā yán] local irritation 咯血 [kǎ xiě] spitting of blood; hemoptysis 咳得厉害 [ké dé lì hɑi] have a bad cough 咳嗽 [ké sòu] cough 咳嗽有痰 [ké sòu yǒu tán] bring up phlegm when one coughs 可以触知 [kě yǐ chù zhī] palpable 口臭 [kǒu chòu] have a foul breath 口水 [kǒu shuǐ] saliva; spittle 拉虫子 [lā chónɡ zi] pass worms 拉黑便 [lā hēi biàn] pass tarry stools 拉血 [lā xiě] pass blood 冷汗 [lěnɡ hàn] cold sweat 里急后重 [lǐ jí hòu zhònɡ] tenesmus 临床症状 [lín chuánɡ zhènɡ zhuànɡ] clinical symptoms 淋巴结肿大 [lín bā jié zhǒnɡ dà] enlargement of lymph nodes 流鼻涕 [liú bí tì] have a running nose 流泪 [liú lèi] (eyes to) run with tears 流脓 [liú nónɡ] run with pus 罗音 [luó yīn] rale 麻 [má] numb; numbness 脉搏率 [mài bó lǜ] pulse rate 脉弱 [mài ruò] weak pulse 脉速 [mài sù] rapid pulse 没有精神 [méi yǒu jīnɡ shén] listless; out of sorts 内出血 [nèi chū xuè] internal hemorrhage/bleeding 尿闭 [niào bì] renal shutdown 尿频 [niào pín] polyuria 脓 [nónɡ] pus 呕吐 [ǒu tù] vomit 呕血 [ǒu xuè] vomiting of blood; hematemesis 脾肿大 [pí zhǒnɡ dà] splenomegaly 皮下出血 [pí xià chū xuè] subcutaneous hemorrhage 气促 [qì cù] shortness/short of breath; dyspnea 前驱症状 [qián qū zhènɡ zhuànɡ] premonitory symptoms; prodrome 潜血 [qián xuè] occult blood (in the feces) 全身不适 [quán shēn bú shì] general malaise 全身出… [quán shēn chū…] break out with ... all over 全身发痒 [quán shēn fā yǎnɡ] itch all over 全身痛疼 [quán shēn tònɡ ténɡ] ache all over; general aching 全身症状 [quán shēn zhènɡ zhuànɡ] constitutional symptoms 嗓子疼 [sǎnɡ zi ténɡ] sore throat 伤口大量出血 [shānɡ kǒu dà liànɡ chū xuè] The wound bleeds profusely. 舌苔 [shé tái] coating on the tongue; fur 舌苔很厚 [shé tái hěn hòu] (tongue) heavily coated 神经不正常 [shén jīnɡ bú zhènɡ chánɡ] mental disorder 神志昏迷 [shén zhì hūn mí] delirium 肾衰竭 [shèn shuāi jié] renal shutdown 生…病 [shēnɡ… bìnɡ] be ill with; suffer from 生病 [shēnɡ bìnɡ] fall/become ill; ail; sicken with; take sick 失眠 [shī mián] insomnia; sleepless; sleeplessness; have trouble going to sleep 食欲不振 [shí yù bú zhèn] lose/poor appetite 水肿 [shuǐ zhǒnɡ] edema 痰 [tán] sputum; phlegm 体力不支 [tǐ lì bú zhī] feel run down; feel limp/weak 体温 [tǐ wēn] temperature 头痛 [tóu tònɡ] headache; cephalalgia; encephalalgia 头晕眼花 [tóu yūn yǎn huā] feel dizzy 唾液 [tuò yè] saliva; spittle 外出血 [wài chū xuè] external hemorrhage 胃酸过多 [wèi suān ɡuò duō] gastric hyperacidity 胃痛 [wèi tònɡ] stomach-ache 消化不良 [xiāo huà bù liánɡ] indigestion; have indigestion 小便困难 [xiǎo biàn kùn nɑn] have trouble urinating; have difficulty in passing water 小便如何 [xiǎo biàn rú hé] How’s the water? 小便失禁 [xiǎo biàn shī jìn] incontinence of urine; unable to hold one’s water 泻肚 [xiè dù] have loose bowels; diarrhea 心悸 [xīn jì] palpitation 心律 [xīn lǜ] rhythm of the heart 心律不齐 [xīn lǜ bù qí] irregularity in the rhythm of the heart’s beating 心跳过速 [xīn tiào ɡuò sù] tachycardia 心脏扩大 [xīn zànɡ kuò dà] cardiac enlargement 心脏有杂音 [xīn zànɡ yǒu zá yīn] have a heart murmur 胸痛 [xiōnɡ tònɡ] have a pain in the chest 休克 [xiū kè] (in) shock 眩晕 [xuàn yūn] dizziness; giddiness; afflicted with vertigo 血压 [xuè yā] blood pressure 压痛 [yā tònɡ] tenderness 牙痛 [yá tònɡ] toothache 腰痛 [yāo tònɡ] have a pain in the loins 遗精 [yí jīnɡ] seminal emission; pass out semen 阴道大量出血 [yīn dào dà liànɡ chū xuè] bleed copiously from the vagina 幽门梗阻 [yōu mén ɡěnɡ zǔ] pyloric stenosis 有低烧 [yǒu dī shāo] run a low fever 早期症状 [zǎo qī zhènɡ zhuànɡ] early symptoms 早泄 [zǎo xiè] premature ejaculation 症状不消 [zhènɡ zhuànɡ bú xiāo] The symptoms persist. 肿 [zhǒnɡ] swell; swollen 主要症状 [zhǔ yào zhènɡ zhuànɡ] cardinal symptoms 紫绀 [zǐ ɡàn] cyanosis 自觉症状 [zì jué zhènɡ zhuànɡ] subjective symptoms 嘴发苦 [zuǐ fā kǔ] have a bad taste in one’s mouth 谵妄 [zhān wànɡ] delirium 症状symptom 早期~ early (or incipient) symptoms/~学semiotics/~研讨expiscation |