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单词 crew
crew/kru: / n & vi

n (1)1)全体船(乘务)员(group of people working on a shipplanebustrainetc)[CGp]:the~of a ship/a plane/a train船/飞机/火车的全体乘务员;The ship carried a~of fifty.这船上有船员50名。The~was(were)composed of Englishmen and Americans.船员由英国人和美国人组成。2)(除船、机长外的)全体船(乘务)员(group of people working on a shipplanespacecraftbustrainetcexcept the officers)[CGp]:the officers and~of the ship船上的军官和全体船员;The captain ordered his~to prepare for action.船长命令全体船员准备战斗。3)划船队(全体队员)(rowing team)[CGp]:the Oxford~牛津大学赛艇队;

(2)一起工作的一群人(any group of people working together;gang)[CGp]:a train track repair/wrecking~火车铁轨修理队/抢险救援队;a camera/film/TV~电影/电影/电视摄制组;the stage~for the new play新剧目的舞台工作人员;〖同〗team,company,party;

(3)一伙(帮)人(gang of people)[CGp](通常derog):What an ill-assorted~!真是一群乌合之众。a happy/rough/motley~一伙快活的人/粗野的人/乌合之众;〖同〗band,body,group;

vi 充当船(乘务)员(act as a crew member on(sth))[II+prep(for)(on),T+n]:Will you~me in tomorrow's race? 明天和我一起参加赛艇好吗?~for sb on a yacht/a boat 在游艇/船上给……当助手; Men are needed to~the lifeboat. 需要为救生艇配备人员。

【注意】crew 是集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词数的使用(见(1)中第2 例)见AUDIENCE。





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