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单词 cross
cross/krɒs,AmE krɔ:s/ n [-es/ ɪz/];v [-es / ɪz/]; adj [-er /-est

n (1)交叉号(×,+)(any mark or symbol formed by two (or more) lines across each otherthus,×,+)[C]:put a~on the map to show where sth is在地图上画一个叉号表示某物的所在地;mark sth with a~给……打上“×”作记号;indicate the answer with a~or a tick在答案上画“×”或“√”;make one's~(文盲)画押(以代表签字);cut (cloth) on the~沿对角线裁(布);
 (2) 1)(耶稣受难及古时处死人的)十字架(frame made of two wooden beams placed thuson which Christ and people were nailed and left to die as a punishment in ancient times)[C]:Jesus died on the C~.耶稣死在十字架上。2)(象征基督教的)十字形物(symbol of the Christian religion)[C]:The church has a~on top of its steeple.教堂的尖顶上有个十字架。have(wear)a silver/gold~on a chain round one's neck 脖子上带着银/金十字架项链;3)十字碑(objectesp a monumentshaped like a crossbuilt in a public placecrossroador at the end of a grave to remind people of the dead)[C]:There was a stone~in the middle of the village.村中间有一块十字形石碑。St Margaret's C~圣玛格利特十字纪念碑;4)画十字(Christian religious act of making this shape by moving one's right hand on one's chest)[C]:(priest) make a~over sb's head(牧师)在某人头上画十字;5)基督教(the Christian religion) [Cthe C~](fig): the C~and the Crescent基督教与伊斯兰教;
 (3)十字勋章(medal shaped like a cross worn as an honouresp for military bravery)[C](通常大写):the Victoria/George/Military/Iron C~维多利亚勋章/乔治勋章/军事勋章/铁十字勋章;the Distinguished Service C~十字勋章;
 (4)磨(苦)难(source of sorrowworryetc;problem)[C]:I'm afraid that is a~you will have to bear. 恐怕那是你将遭受的苦难。Everyone has his own~to bear in his life.每个人一生中都会经受磨难。take up one's~忍受苦难;〖同〗burden, misfortune,suffering;
 (5) 1)杂交品种(animal or plant that is the result of breeding two varieties)[Ca~][N(between)]:A mule is a~between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和驴子的杂交产物。This dog is a~between an Alsatian and a Labrador.这狗是阿尔萨斯狼狗和拉布拉多狗的杂交狗。〖同〗crossbreed,half-breed; 2)混合物(combination of 2 different things)[C][N(between)](fig):The play is a~between farce and tragedy.这个剧兼具闹剧和悲剧两者的特点。He is a~between a businessman and a scholar.他兼具商人和学者的特点。(cake) be a~between a biscuit and a loaf of bread(蛋糕)兼具饼干和面包的特点;The new vehicle looks like a~between a bicycle and a car.那新车子看起来既像自行车,又像汽车。〖同〗blend,combination;
 →′crossbar n 横木;′crossbeam n 横梁;′cross-bred adj 杂交的;′cross-breed n 杂交品种;v 杂交;͵cross-′country adj & adv 越野的(地);n 越野赛;′cross-current n 逆向水流;′cross-cut n 捷径;͵cross-′eyed adj 斗鸡眼的;′cross-fire n 交叉火力;′cross-piece n 横放物;′crossroads n 交叉路;′crosswalk n 人行横道;′crossword n 纵横字谜;
 v (1)横(越,渡,跨,穿)过(gopassreach or extend from one side to the other)[II+adv(over),I+prep(from)(to),T+n ]:Let's~.咱们越过去吧!The river is too deep to~(over).河水太深涉不过去。~over by the subway从地下通道过去;~to the window/the right走到窗户那边/右边;~from England to France从英国越海到法国;~a street/a road横过街/路;~a mountain/a valley/a bridge跨过山/山谷/桥;~the sea/the channel渡过海/海峡;~the border越过边境;This road~es the desert.这路越过沙漠。This bridge~es the river.这桥横跨此河。〖同〗go across,go over;
 (2)画横线(draw a line across)[T+n]:~one's t's写字母t上面的那一横;All that remains for me to do is to dot the I's and~the t's.余下要我做的只是次要的小事了。~a cheque在支票上画两条线(表示只能通过银行支付);
 (3)交叉(lie or pass across each other)[I]:The two paths~outside the village/in the centre of the town. 两条小路在村外/镇中心交叉。
 (4)交叉放(place or fold two things across each other)[T+n]:~one's legs/one's knees/one's arms 盘着腿/跷二郎腿/双臂交叉抱在胸前;
 (5)错(交臂而)过((of people travellingletters in the post)meet and then go past(each other))[IT+npass]:The two friends/cars~ed on the road.两个朋友/两辆车在路上错过。We posted our letters on the same day so they~ed in the post.我们在同一天寄的信,所以这两封信在邮寄过程中彼此交错而过。Your letter~ed mine.你(寄给我)的信和我(寄给你)的信在路上交错而过。
 (6)画十字(make the sign of the cross on one's chest with one's right hand as a religious act)[T+n(oneself),无pass]:~oneself as one left/passed/entered the church离开/经过/走进教堂时在胸前画十字;She prayed and~ed herself.她祈祷着在胸前画了个十字。
 (7)反对(驳),阻碍(opposecontradict or block (sb or his planswishesetc)[T+n]:~sb (in everything)/his plan(事事)反对某人/反对某人的计划;If you~me,you'll regret it!你要是反对我,你会后悔的。be angry at (hate) having one's plan's~ed/being~ed 生气(讨厌)有人反对自己的计划/有人反驳自己;be~ed in love失恋;
 (8)使杂交(breed (sth) from two different sorts of animal or plant)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:~two varieties of rose使两种玫瑰花杂交;~a horse with/and an ass (to breed a mule) 让马与驴杂交(繁殖出骡子);~a tiger with/and a lion (to breed a tiglon) 让老虎与狮子杂交(繁殖出虎狮);〖同〗crossbreed;
 cross out (v adv)划掉(vt):~a word/a sentence out划掉一个字/句子;
 cross off (v adv/prep)(从……中)划掉(vt):~sb's name/the eggs off (the list) 把某人的名字/鸡蛋(从单子上)划掉;
 →′crossing n横越(渡);十字路口;人行横道;′crossover n 立交桥;
 adj (1)生气的,发怒的(very angry)[A(with/about),A(with,for)]:be/get~with a person生一个人的气;be/get~about sb's staying out late(be/get~with a person for staying out late) 因某人深夜不归而生某人的气;a~word/look/reply生气的话/目光/回答;〖同〗angry,mad,ill-tempered;〖反〗good-natured, agreeable;
 (2)逆的((of winds) contrary;opposed)[作attrib]:a~breeze一阵逆向的微风;
 (3)交叉的(lying crosswise):a~street 一条横向街道;
 →′crossly adv 生气地;′crossness n 生气;
 【辨异】crossill-natured皆可指心绪和脾气不好。cross指暂时的生气;ill-natured(性情暴燥的)则指相对持久的状况,如:an ill-natured man(一个性情暴躁的人)。





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