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单词 crawl
crawl/krɔ:l/ vi & n

vi(1)爬行(move slowly by dragging oneself or on hands and knees along the ground)[II+prepI+adv]:We learn to~before we learn to walk.我们学会走路之前先学会爬。(snake)~along(the ground)/up(sb's back)/across(the room)/out(of the house)(蛇)向前(顺着地面)/向上(往某人背上)/跨过(房间)/(从房里)往外爬;~into/out of/away from/back to a place爬进/出/离/回一地方;~in/out/away/back/up/down/off爬进/出/开/回/上/下/离;〖同〗creep;

(2)慢慢行进((of trafficvehiclesetc) move or advance very slowly)[II+prepI+adv]:The traffic~ed along the street/through the city/over the damaged bridge.车辆慢慢沿街前行/穿过城市/开过受损的桥梁。~along at ten kilometres per hour以每小时10公里的速度缓慢前行;~home in the heavy traffic在拥挤的车流中缓缓地往家行驶;〖同〗inch,drag,worm;〖反〗race,rush,dash;

(3)满是,爬满了(be covered withor full of crawling thingssuch as wormsinsectsetc)[I+prep(with)][用prog]:The house is~ing with ants/rats.屋子里爬满了蚂蚁/耗子。The shirt is~ing with lice/worms/flies.衬衣上爬满了虱子/虫子/苍蝇。The area/court/town is~ing with soldiers.(fig)这地区/院子里/城镇里到处是士兵。The city/resort is~ing with tourists.(fig)城市/胜地到处是旅游者。

(4)起鸡皮疙瘩,痒痒((of the skin) shiver as if covered with crawling things)[I]:The sight of snakes(ghost story)makes my flesh/skin~.蛇的样子(那鬼怪故事)使我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩/毛骨悚然。Her skin~ed in horror.她吓得浑身发紧。

(5)巴结,讨好(try to gain sb's favour by acting in a very or too humble or flattering way)[II+prep(to)](infml)(derog):He's always~ing (to the boss/the manager/the king).他总是巴结讨好(老板/经理/国王)。

→′crawler n 马屁精;

n (1)慢行,蠕动 (very slow movement or speed)[Ca~](derog):(traffic) move at/be reduced to/be slowed to a~(车辆)缓慢地移动/减速缓行/减速慢行;drive along/proceed at a~慢慢地往前行驶/进展;

(2)爬(行)(crawling movement)[C]:It's not a run,not a walk;it's a~.这不是跑,也不是走,而是爬。the baby's laborious~婴儿的吃力爬行;

(3)自由式游泳(style of swimming in which one lies face down in the water and brings each arm over one's head alternatively while kicking one's feet up and down)[Cthe~](又称 Australian crawl):do/swim the~well自由泳游得好;He is better at the~than at the breast stroke.他自由泳游得比蛙泳好。

【辨异】crawlcreep几乎同义,表示“爬”,常可互换;但crawl所表示的动作更多地含有屈(贴)服的意思,如:A dog afraid of punishment~s towards his master.(一只害怕惩罚的狗匍匐着爬向主人。)creep(爬)则强调“慢慢地爬”,且有“偷偷地”的含义,如:The cat crept silently towards the mouse.(那猫悄悄地向老鼠爬去。)





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