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Ⅰ ❶ (肥料) fertilizer;manure:粪 ~ dung;muck;manure;
氮 ~ nitrogenous fertilizer
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 义 Fei Yi Ⅱ ❶ (使肥沃) fertilize:~ 地 fertilize the farmland [soil]
❷ (由不正当收入变富) enrich by illegal income:~ 己 enrich oneself by illegal transactions Ⅲ ❶ (含脂肪多) fat;greasy:~ 肉 fat meat;~ 胖 fat;corpulent
❷ (肥沃) fertile;rich:土质很 ~ rich soil
❸ (肥大) loose and large;loose-fitting:裤腰太 ~了。The waist of the trousers is too loose.;The trousers are too wide in the waist.
◆肥饱私囊 line one's pockets [purse];肥草 capim gordura;
肥差 fat jobs;
肥肠 pig's large intestines (used as food);
肥畜 fatstock;
肥疮 {中医} tinea favosa;tinea favus on the head;favus;
肥蠢如猪 as fat and stupid as a pig;
肥䐛䐛 fat;
肥大 loose;large;fat;plump;corpulent;{医} hypertrophy;
肥遁鸣高 want to reach a high position—like a stork hovering on high and crying proudly;
肥而不胖,瘦而不瘪 round without being plump,slender without being bony;
肥分 {农} (the percentage of) nutriment in a fertilizer;
肥疳 {中医} infantile malnutrition due to disorder of digestive tract;
肥厚 plump;fleshy;pachismus;thickening;pachynsis;
肥料 fertilizer;manure;
肥满体型 plethosomy;
肥美 fertile;rich;
肥腻 rich;greasy (food);
肥胖 fat;corpulent;adiposity;polysarcia;polypionia;fleshiness;obesitas;weight;obesity;
肥胖病学 bariatrics;
肥胖症 adiposis;obesity;
肥气 {中医} lump at the left hypochondrium;a mass below the left hypochondrium;
肥缺 lucrative post;plum;fat [lucrative] job;
肥饶 (of soil) rich;
肥肉 fat meat;speck;fat;
肥如填鸭 as plump as a partridge;
肥腮鼓腹 fat cheeks and a big belly like a drum; 肥实 [口] fat;stout;
肥水 rich water;
肥瘦儿 the girth of a garment,etc.;[方] the proportion of fat and lean;
肥硕 (of fruit) big and fleshy;(of limbs and body) large and firm-fleshed;
肥私囊 feather one's own nests;line one's pockets;
肥田 fertilize [enrich] the soil;fertile land;
肥田草 weeds that can be used as fertilizer;
肥头大耳 large head and big ears—sign of a prosperous man;
肥土 fat soil;fertile soil;rich soil;
肥土沃地 rich,fertile soil—productive land;
肥尾鼠狐猴 fat-tailed lemur;
肥沃 fertile;rich;
肥效 {农} manurial effect;fertilizer efficiency;
肥育 {牧} fattening;
肥圆 tubbiness;
肥源 {农} fertilizer source;source of manure;manure source;
肥珠子风 {中医} indurated nodes of the ear lobe;
肥皂 soap;
肥皂泡检查法 {工} soap bubble test;
肥皂水 suds;soap-suds;
肥猪肉 lard;
肥壮 stout and strong






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