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单词 肥头大耳

肥头大耳肥头胖耳féi tóu dà ěr

fat; large head and big ears; lumpish; portly
❍ 大小的买卖、工厂,全教他们接收的给弄爬下啦,就剩下他们自己~地活着!(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》13)It isn’t only the factories;the traders too,big and small,have been forced out of business. Only the officials themselves seem to get fat on it.
❍ 大伙儿抢着抱孩子,悄悄地说: “看,长得多结实!~的,活象个牛大水,刚好脱了个影儿!”(袁静《新儿女英雄传》220) They all wanted to hold the baby.“Just look how healthy he is,”one whispered.“Large head and big ears—a sure sign that he’s intelligent—the living image,the very shadow of Dashui.”/跟在崔相弼后面走进来的,~的白万洙,笔挺地站在美国顾问面前,急急忙忙开始报告。(杨佩瑾《剑》96) The lumpish Baek,who followed behind,drew himself up to his full height and started to recount what had just happened.
❍ 银幕上又出现了金碧辉煌的喇嘛庙和~的喇嘛。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》114) A big lama temple glittering with gold and jade was seen next,and well fed lamas.

肥头大耳féi tóu dà ěr

比喻体态肥胖。sign of a prosperous man, lumpish, portly





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