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单词 step
step/step/ nvi [-pp-]

n (1)步(子),脚步(one movement of the foot in walkingrunningdancingetc)[C]:walk with slow/hurried~s 迈着缓慢/急匆匆的脚步;move/take a~towards sb/the door 向某人/那门走一步;take a~back/forward 后退/前进一步;turn one's~s towards a house 移步走向那所房子;He made a~forward and then fell. 他向前迈了一步摔倒了。〖同〗footstep,pace;
 (2)一步的距离,步长(distance covered in one step)[C]:a few~s farther 几步以远;only a few~s (away) from the tree 距离那棵树只有几步;move a~or two nearer 挪近一两步;retrace one's~s 原路折返;
 (3)短(近)距离(short distance)[Ua~]:It's only/just a~to the railway station/from his home to mine. 离火车站/从他家到我家很近。
 (4)脚步声(sound made by sb walkingetc)[C]:hear~s outside 听到外面的脚步声;hear sb's~s in the corridor 听见某人在走廊里的脚步声;recognise sb's~听出某人的脚步(声);
 (5)步态(way of walking (as seen or heard))[C]:with a light/pride~以轻快/骄矜的步子;He was walking with quick~s.他在快步走着。
 (6)舞步(particular type of movement with the feet in dancing)[C]:with a light~以轻快的步子;the~s of waltz (the waltz~)华尔兹舞步;complicated~s 复杂的舞步;know all the~s of this dance 知道这种舞的所有舞步;learn a new~学一种新舞步;quicken one's~s 加快舞步;a fast~快舞步;
 (7)步骤(any of the stages of a process or a set of actions)[C]:a~in the right direction 朝着正确方向的一步;What's the next~? 下一步怎么办? be a great~forward 向前迈出的一大步;the first/final~in making pottery 制陶的第一/最后一道工序;support sb's every~of the way 支持某人所采取的一切步骤;take~s to preserve the wildlife in a region 采取步骤保护一地区的野生动植物;〖同〗stage,process,procedure;
 (8)梯(踏)级;台阶(small platform on which the foot is placed for climbing up or down)[C]:a flight of~s 一段阶梯;the bottom~of the ladder 梯子的最下蹬(第一蹬);sit on the top~坐在最高的一级台阶上;sit down on the stone~s of a building 坐在大楼的石阶上;cut~s in the ice 在冰上凿出踏脚的台阶;Mind the~outside the door. 当心门外的台阶。〖同〗stair;
 (9)级别,等级(rankdegree or grade on a scale;stage of promotion)[C]:get one's~up 晋升;a~ahead of others 比别人高出一级;His present job is a~up from his previous one. 他现在的工作比原来的工作高一级。〖同〗grade,level,stage,rank,degree;
 in/out of step 1)步子一致/不一致:George always marches out of~with the music. 乔治行进时总是和音乐不合拍。2)(不)合拍,(不)一致:He feels that he is out of~with people of his own age. 他感到自己与同龄人不一致。
 keep step with 跟上步伐:Billy was too tired to keep~with the other Boy Scouts. 比利累得跟不上童子军的其他孩子们了。
 mind/watch one's step 1)走路当(小)心:Mind your~! The road is slippery. 走路当心! 路滑。2)小心行事:Let this be a warning to you and watch your~in the future. 让这成为对你的警示,将来你一定要当心了。
 step by step 逐步地:A foreign language can only be learned~by~. 学习一门外语只能循序渐进。
 take steps to do sth 采取行动(措施):They took~s to close the school. 他们采取了措施以关闭这所学校。
 →′step-ladder n 折梯;′stepbrother n 异父(母)兄弟;′stepsister n 异父(母)姐妹;′stepchild,′stepchildren n 妻子(丈夫)与其前夫(妻)所生的孩子;′stepfather n继父;′stepmother n 继母;′step-parent n 继父(母);′stepson n 妻子(丈夫)与其前夫(妻)所生的儿子;′stepdaughter n 妻子(丈夫)与其前夫(妻)所生的女儿;
 vi(1)踩,踏,跨步(raise one foot and put it downusu in front of the otherin order to move or walk along)[I+prepI+adv]:~on sb's foot/a cat's tail 踩某人的脚/猫尾巴;~in a puddle/on a pedal 踏入水坑/踩踏板;ask sb to~inside and look at one's goods 请某人进来看看自己的货物;~forwards/backwards/aside 向前/后/旁边迈;〖同〗tramp;
 (2)走一小段距离(gomove or walk for a short distance)[I+prepI+adv]:~off the plane/the platform 走下飞机/站台;~over a stream 走过小溪;~across a road 横穿过一条路;~into a house/a boat 走进一所房子/上了一条船;~down from the train/podium 走下火车/指挥台;~over to the bar 走向吧台;~out into the night 走进黑夜之中;〖同〗move,walk,pace;
 step on it/(AmE)gas(infml)快走,加油(速):We will have to~on it if we don't want to be late. 如果我们不想迟到的话,一定得快点走。
 step out of line 举止出格:They were severely punished for~ping out of line. 他们因行为出格受到严厉惩罚。
 step aside (v adv)让开(位)(vi):S~aside please and let them get through. 请让开路让他们过去。I feel that when there are so many better people for the chairmanship,I should~aside. 有这么多做主席的合适人选,我认为自己该让位。
 step down (v adv)辞职(vi):I've spent so many years as chairman that I feel it's time I~ped down. 我在主席的位置上这么多年了,我觉得到了该辞职的时候了。
 step in (v adv)介入,干预(vi):The government may have to~in to settle the disagreement between the union and the employers. 政府可能不得不进行干预,调解工会和资方的纠纷。
 step out (v adv)加快脚步(vi):When I go for a walk in cold weather,I like to~out to keep warm. 我在寒冷的天气散步时,喜欢加快脚步以保持暖和。
 step up (v adv) 1)增加,促进(vt):The firm will have to~up production if it is to defeat its competitors. 公司如果要击败它的对手,就得增加生产。2)站出来(vi):He~ped up onto the platform and began to speak. 他走上台开始讲话。
 →′stepping-stone n 踏(垫)脚石;进身之阶





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