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单词 throw
throw/θrǝ ʊ, AmE θroʊ/ v threw/θru:/,thrown /θrǝ ʊn, AmE θroʊn/]; n

v (1)投,扔,掷(send (sth) through the air with some forceesp by a sudden forward motion of the arm and wristetc)[IT+nT+n+prepT+n+advD+n+n]:He~s well. He can~a hundred yards. 他投掷很好,能投100码远。~a bomb/a rock/a ball 扔炸弹/石头/球;~a ball/a rope to the children 把球/绳子扔给孩子们;~stones at sb/passing cars 向某人/过往的车辆扔石头;~letter in the waste-paper basket 把信件扔进纸篓;~up one's cap for joy 高兴得扔起了帽子;~the rubbish/the old television/the clothes away 把垃圾/旧电视机/衣服扔掉;~sb a book/a towel/a ball 把一本书/一条毛巾/一个球扔给某人;~a ball/a stone/a hand grenade twenty feet (the required distance) 把一个球投出/一块石头扔出/手榴弹扔到20码远(要求的距离);〖反〗catch,receive;
 (2)快速转(挪)动(身体某一部分)(move quickly in the specified direction)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:~up one's hands 迅速举起双手;~back one's head昂起头;~one's shoulders back and one's chest out用力挺起胸膛;
 (3)投射(光线)(cast)[T+n+prep]:(the tree)~a shadow on the grass/across the lawn/in the moonlight(树)在草地上/草坪上/月光下投下一道阴影;〖同〗cast;
 (4)投以(目光)(direct or send forth(wordsa glanceetc))[T+nT+n+prep]:~sb a frightened glance/an angry look 害怕地望了某人一眼/生气地瞪了某人一眼;~a fierce look at sb/a glance at the window displays 凶恶地看了某人一眼/往橱窗里的展示品看了一眼;
 (5)使处于某种状态(cause to go or come into some placeposition;conditionetc)[T+n+prep,尤pass]:(sth) be~n into confusion/disorder(事情)陷入混乱/无秩序状态;(sb) be thrown into prison/dilemma/a fit of laughter (某人)被囚禁起来/左右为难/不禁哈哈大笑;
 (6)把……摔倒(cause sb to fall down to the ground)[T+nT+n+prep]:The horse threw his rider. 马把骑手掀倒在地。~one's opponent with a swift blow 快速一击,把对手打倒在地;〖同〗throw down,unseat,floor;
 (7)打一拳(deliver a punch or blow)[T+n]:~one's opponent a blow/several punches 向对手猛击一拳/打了对手好几拳;
 (8)使伤心(不安)(trouble sb)[T+n](infml):be~n by the news of sb's death/sb's problems为某人逝世的消息感到难过/为某人的问题感到苦恼;
 (9)匆忙穿或脱下(衣服)(put (clothes) onoff or away carelessly or hastily)[T+n+prep (around/over);T+n+adv (on/off)]:~a scarf/a shawl/a sweater over one's shoulders 把一块披巾/一条围巾/一件毛衣匆匆披到肩上;~on (off) one's uniform/one's coat/one's shoes 匆匆穿上(脱下)制服/外衣/鞋;〖同〗put,place;
 throw oneself at 冲向:~oneself at one's opponent扑向自己的对手;
 throw about/around (v adv)到处(vt):~litter/papers/clothes about/around in the room 在房间里到处扔杂物/报纸/衣服;~one's money around (fig)乱花钱;
 throw away (v adv)失去,错过(vt):~away an opportunity/an advantage错过机会/失去优势;~away efforts/one's chance of promotion 一切努力都白费了/错过了提升的机会;
 throw back on (v adv prep)被迫依赖(vt):The father's unemployment had the effect of~ing the family back on their savings. 父亲的失业使得家人被迫依赖他们的存款过活。
 throw in (v adv) 1)额外赠送(vt):If you buy the furniture,the store will~ in a small television set. 如果你买那套家具,商店会送你一台小电视机。2)插嘴(vt):There was no need for you to~in that unnecessary remark. 你没有必要插嘴讲那些废话。
 throw oneself into 积极投身于:~oneself into football/one's work 积极投身于足球运动/自己的工作;
 throw off (v adv) 1)轻而易举地创作出(vt):~off an article/a few lines of poetry 毫不费力地写出一篇文章/即席写出几行诗; 2)甩掉;改掉(vt):~off a pursuer/old habits 甩掉跟踪者/改掉旧毛病;
 throw light on 提供线索:The information~s light on the problem. 这条信息给解决这个问题提供了线索。
 throw out (v adv) 1)逐出(vt):The drunk was~n out of the club. 醉汉被撵出俱乐部。2)打乱(vt):This new factor has~n me out in all my previous calculations. 这个新的因素打乱了我原来的一切计划。3)(随便)提出(问题等)(vt):~out suggestions/some ideas 任意提出一些建议/出主意; 4)扔掉(vt):~that old table/the garbage out 把那张旧桌子/垃圾扔掉;
 throw over (v adv)抛弃(vt):~over all one's old friends/the whole thing 抛弃了所有的老朋友/放弃了整个事情;
 throw together (v adv) 1)使成为朋友(vt):They were~n together by their interest in skiing. 他们由于都爱好滑雪而成为朋友。2)匆匆做好(vt):When her family suddenly arrived,I had to~a meal together in a few minutes. 她的一家人突然到来,我只得在短短的时间内匆匆做一顿简单的饭菜。
 throw up (v adv) 1)辞去,放弃(vt):~up one's job/a promising career 辞职/辞去很有前途的工作; 2)发现,使出现(vt):His research has~n useful facts. 他的研究发现了一些有用的事实。3)呕吐(vi):She had too much to eat,and threw up on the way home. 她因吃得太多,在回家的路上吐了。4)匆忙建造(vt):Let's use this wood to~up a shelter for the night. 我们用这些木头临时搭个小棚子过夜吧。
 →′throw-away adj 一次性使用的;′throw-back n 具有返祖现象的动物;
 n (1)扔(act or an instance of throwing)[C]:a well-aimed/good/record~准确/出色/破记录的一掷;The strong wrestler won the first~. 那位强健的摔跤运动员赢得了第一回合的胜利。
 (2)投掷的距离(the distance sth is thrown)[C]:achieve a~of 70 meters in the javelin event 取得了掷标枪70米远的成绩;





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