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单词 tie
tie/taɪ/ nv [-d,-d /d/;tying /′taɪ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)带,线,绳(sth that joints or fastens)[C]:hold back the curtain with a~用一根绳束起幕布;metal~s 金属带;〖同〗 rope,string,line,belt;

(2)领带(long piece of clothing worn round the neck under the collar of a shirt)[C]:a black/white~黑色/白色领带;a bow~蝶形领结;He wore a shirt and~. 他穿着衬衣,打着领带。knot one's~打领带;

(3)束缚,牵累(thing that prevents a person doing what he wants to do)[C,通常sing]:Pets/Young children can be a~. 宠物/小孩子可能成为累赘。do not want any~s 不想有任何牵累;Family~s have kept him from success. 家庭的拖累阻碍了他的成功。

(4)平局,不分胜负(equality of scoresvotes or performances in a contest)[C]:The game/race ended in a~.比赛/赛跑结果为平局。The result of the election/the competition was a~. 选举/竞争结果胜负不分。

(5)(关)联系,纽带(things that joins people in friendshipetc)[C,通常pl]:~s of friendship/blood 友情纽带/血缘关系;family~s 家族关系;have~s with the oil industry/an American Corporation 与石油工业/一家美国公司有联系;〖同〗link,connection,relation,relationship;

→′tie-beam n (建筑)系梁;′tie-breaker n 平局决胜;′tie-pin n 领带别针;

v (1)(用绳、带)系,结,绑,捆(fasten or join sth with a ropestringetc)[T+nT+n+prep (to/on),T+n+adv]:~the parcel/the bandage 捆包袱/绑绷带;(hands/feet)be~d securely(手/脚)被牢牢地绑住了;~the horse to the lamp-post/the boat to the dock/the rope to the tree 把马拴在灯杆上/船拴在码头上/绳子拴在树上;~a branch down 将树枝缚成垂枝;~those ropes together 把那些绳子捆在一起;~a label on that parcel 把标签系在包裹上;~on a label/one's apron 系上标签/围裙;〖同〗bind,fasten,attach,knot;〖反〗untie,unbind,unfasten,loose;

(2) 1)将(丝带、带子)打成结(或蝴蝶结)(form a knot or bow in;make a knot or bow in this way)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~a ribbon/a scarf/a tie/a necktie/a cravat 把丝带打成结/系上围巾/打领带/打领结/打(旧式)领带;~a ribbon round one's hair (one's hair with a ribbon) 在头发上用丝带系一个蝴蝶结;~a ribbon in a pretty bow 把丝带打成漂亮的蝴蝶结;~a knot in a piece of rope 在一根绳子上打个结;~one's hair in a bun 把头发在脑后绾成一个圆发髻; 2)打结,结住,系,扣(be fastened by drawing together and knotting strings or laces)[II+prepI+adv]:Will this rope~properly? 这根绳子好打结吗?The robe you have to wear in the hospital~s (up) at the back. 医院里穿的罩衣的带子系在后面。The gown/belt of the dress~s in the front (at the back). 女式长袍的带子/这件衣服的腰带系在前面(后面)。~oneself into/(up) in knots 大惑不解;〖同〗 fasten,bind,knot,attach;〖反〗untie,unbind,unknot,loosen;

(3)限制,阻碍(confinerestrictor limit)[T+nT+n+prep]:be~d to one's bed/by the contract 卧床不起/受合同限制;His new job~s him too much. 他的新工作对他限制很多。The weather~him to the house. 天气恶劣他只能呆在家里。the strike that~up production for a mouth 使生产停顿了一个月的罢工;the accident that~up traffic for a week 使交通瘫痪了一周的事故;~sb/oneself down 使受限制或束缚;〖同〗limit,restrain;

(4)打成平局,不分胜负(equal in a contest)[II+prep (with/for);通常passT+nT+n+prep (with)(for)]:The two teams~d. 两队打成平局。They~d with Newtown United in the competition. 他们在竞赛中与新城联队不分胜负。~the pole-vaulting record 平了撑杆跳记录;Italy is~d with Japan for third place. 意大利队与日本队并列第三名。

(5)把……联系在一起(bind or join closely or firmly)[T+n]:Great affection/Common interests~d us together. 伟大的爱/共同的爱好把我们紧紧地联结在一起。~the knot 结婚;

tie in with (v adv prep)和……相符(有联系)(vt):Your story~s in with what Mary told me at the party yesterday. 你说的故事和昨天晚会上玛丽告诉我的一样。

tie sb up (v adv)很忙,脱不开身(vi):I can't discuss the matter now—I'm tied up with other things. 现在我和你讨论不了这件事,我正忙于其他事情。

→′tie-dye v 扎染;′tie-dyeing n 扎染;′tie-on n 能系上的(标签);′tie-up n 联结;合并;停顿;′tied house (BrE) n 特约酒店;

【辨异】tie bondlink的区别见BOND。





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