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单词 ticket
ticket/′tɪkɪt/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)标价牌,价目签(card or label stating the price of sth)[C]:the price/sales~标价牌;I don't know the price of this dress—the~has fallen off. 我不知道这件衣服的价钱,因为标价牌掉了。〖同〗 tag,label,card;

(2)(电影,车,船,机)票(piece of card or paper which gives the holder a certain right)[C]:a single/return/first-class~单程/往返/一等舱票;a bus/train/cinema/theatre~公共汽车/火车/电影/戏票;a library~(BrE)借书证;Admission by~only. 凭票入场。show one's~to a~-collector 接受检票;~office 售票处;~stubs 票根;get two~s for the Cup Final 弄到两张优胜杯决赛的入场券;present one's~when picking up one's laundry 取洗好的衣物时,出示洗衣单据;

(3)(交通违章)通知单,罚款单(paper put on sb's caretc to tell him that he has broken the law and has to pay a fine)[C]:get a~for speeding/parking 接到超速行车/违章停车的通知单;

(4)候选人名单(list of the candidates put up by election)[C,通常sing](尤AmE):run for office on the Republican/Democratic~作为共和党/民主党候选人竞选公职;

(5)适当的事情(proper thing)[Cthe~]:Warm milk and toast/A cup of hot tea is just the~for you on a cold day. 在寒冷的日子里,热的牛奶面包/一杯热茶正是你所需要的。be not quite the~不太合适;

vt (1)给……加上标签(attach a tag to;label)[T+npass]:All articles in the store are~ed with the price. 商店里所有的商品都附上了标价签。〖同〗tag,label,mark;

(2)准备做某种用途(mark or intend for a certain use)[T+n]:cars~ed for shipment/sale abroad准备装运/外销的车;

→͵ticket-co′llector n 收票员,查票员





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