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单词 不虚此行

不虚此行bù xū cǐ xíng

it has been a worthwhile trip; one’s trip is not a waste of time; the journey has been well worthwhile; the trip has not been made in vain
❍ 毛人凤微微点头。“美国人把你的脑筋也武装了,确乎~。” (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》552) Mao Renfeng nodded. “I see the Americans have armed your intellect too! Your trip was not a waste of time.”/看到那里山清水秀,景色迷人,旅行者都说,“真是~!”On seeing the charming picturesque scenery with green hills and clear waters there,all the travellers said,“The trip has been well worthwhile!”

不虚此行bù xū cǐ xínɡ

这一趟没有白来。the trip has not been made in vain, it’s been a worthwhile trip, the journey has been well worthwhile





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