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单词 不见经传

不见经传不本经传bù jiàn jīng zhuàn

not supported by historical fact; not to be found in the classics—not authoritative; not found in the canon;unkown
❍ 始若与后之小说近似,然《庄子》云尧问孔子,《淮南子》云共工争帝地维绝,当时也多以为 “短书不可用”,则此小说者,仍谓寓言异记,不本经传,背于儒术者矣。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》) This seems closer to our understanding of fiction. But Yao’s questioning of Confucius in Zhuang Zi and the account in Huai Nan Zi of how the giant Gong Gong made the earth quake were considered as “worthless novels”. In these cases the term meant legends and fables having no basis in historical fact and counter to the Confucian tradition.

不见经传bù jiàn jīnɡ zhuàn

经传:儒家经典著作。经书史传中没有记载。比喻说法没有文献上的根据;也指人没有名气。unknown, not authoritative, not to appear in historical records





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