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单词 thrill
thrill/θrɪl/ n & v

n (1)一阵激动(兴奋等)(strong feeling of pleasureexcitementfearetc that goes through one's body suddenly)[C]:a~of joy/pleasure/excitement/expectation/fear/horror 一阵欢乐/欣喜/兴奋/期盼/害怕/恐惧;with a~心中一阵激动;get one's~s from sth 因某事而感到兴奋;〖同〗tremble;

(2)令人激动的经历(事情)(sth which causes this feeling)[C]:(meeting the Queen/seeing the pyramid/sb's first train trip) be a real/great~(觐见女王/见到金字塔/第一次乘火车旅行)的确是/真是一件激动人心的事;the~of hunting/lifetime 令人激动的打猎时光/一生中令人激动的经历;a story full of~s 充满了惊险的故事; (the)~s and spills 刺激;紧张兴奋的心情;

v (1)使感到激动(震颤),使兴奋(cause (sb)to feel a sudden intense serration)[T+nT+n+to-inf pass]:(hockey players/soccer game/film)~the crowd all over the world/the spectators/the crowd/the audience(曲棍球球员/足球运动/电影)令世界各地的人们/观众/人们/观众兴奋异常;be~ed by sb's beauty/sb's conversation/sb's invitation/the film 被某人的美貌/某人的谈话/某人的邀请/这部电影的内容所震撼;be~ed to hear sb's wonderful news 听到某人的特大喜讯感到兴奋;be~ed with horror/the outcome of the watch 感到惊恐/对手表的产量感到振奋;be~ed at the invitation/the suggestion 对邀请/建议感到激动;be~ed at the notion of meeting a real cowboy/sb's appearance 因想到将要看见真正的牛仔而十分激动/对某人的外表感到震惊;(be)~ed to bits 万分高兴,非常喜悦;〖同〗arouse,excite,stir,delight,impress;〖反〗calm,bore,annoy;

(2)感到激动(兴奋等)(be stirred by a wave of emotion or excitement)[II+prep(with)]:We~ed when we saw the high mountains. 我们见到高山时,特别激动。~at the good news听到好消息激动不已~at the thought of home/the sight of the Christmas tree 一想到家/一看到圣诞树就特别激动;~to the news/the sound of sb's footsteps on the stairs/sb's voice/music 听到这消息十分激动/听到楼梯上某人的脚步声感到紧张/听到某人的声音感到紧张/听到音乐非常兴奋;

【惯用法】be thrilled 若后接by,thrilled 是过去分词,如:The children were~ed by the film.(孩子们被这部电影所震动。)be thrilled若接with,thrilled 起形容词的作用,用作表语,表示性质、状态:The children were~ed with the idea of going abroad.(想到可以出国,孩子们兴奋极了。)be thrilled若接at,thrilled 也是形容词,表示听到、想到、见到某事时的心情,如:They were~ed at the suggestion.(听到这个建议,他们非常激动。)

→′thriller n 惊险小说(电影、戏剧等);′thrilling adj 令人激动(震颤、惊恐)的





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