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单词 tide
tide/taɪd/ nvt [-d,-d / ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1)潮(汐)(periodic variation in the surface level of the oceansseasetc of the earth caused by the attraction of the moon and the sun)[CU]:flood/ebb~涨潮/退潮;at high/low~处于高/低潮;There are two~s everyday. 每天有涨潮落潮。The~is in/out. 涨潮/退潮了。 spring/neap~s 大/小潮;2)潮水,浪潮(water that moves when such a variation occurs)[C]:be cut off/washed up by the~被潮水困住/冲上来;beware of strong~s 当心强大的潮水;〖同〗wave,current,flow;

(2)潮流,趋势(currenttendency or driftas of eventsideasactionetc)[C,通常sing]:a rising~of public discontent/anger 公众不满/愤怒情绪的高涨;a~of immigrants/public opinion/support from the farmers 移民潮/公众舆论的趋势/来自农民的强大支持;The~of fortune may make you wealthy again. 时运会再次给你带来财富。 go (swim) with/against the~顺应/逆潮流;〖同〗tendency,current,movement,direction;

(3)时(季)节,节期(time or season)[U](用于合成词):even-~ 日暮,黄昏;Whitsun~ 圣灵降临周;Easter~ 复活节季节;at Christmas~ 圣诞季节;winter~ 冬季;Time and~wait for no man. 时间不等人。

vt 帮助别人度过(难关)(help sb through a period of difficulty)[T+n+adv (over),T+n+prep (over)]:loan/lend sb some money to~sb over till pay day 借/借钱给某人帮其维持到发薪水的时候;A hundred pounds should be sufficient to~you over your difficulties/the next few days. 一百镑足够帮你度过困难/这几天的难关。We have just enough bread to~us over the week-end. 这些面包仅够周末吃的。

→′tide-mark n 高潮标;污迹;′tide-table n 潮汐表;′tidewater n 潮水;′tideway n 潮路,劲流





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