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单词 fringe
释义 fringe /frinds; frin6z/ n 1 ornamental border of loose threads, eg on a ru or shawl. (地毯或围巾等之)须边; 缝; 流苏。 2 edge (of a crowd, forest, etc): (人群,森林等之)边缘: on the ~(s) of the forest. 在森林之边绿。 '~ area, area on the border of a district etc; (fig) less important area, 边界地区; (喻)不太重妻的地区。 benefits, eg a rent-free house, the use of a car, additional to wages or salary. 额外的福利(例如除正式薪资外,尚有不收租金的房屋,可使用汽车等)。 '~ group, group of persons loosely attached to a larger group or party (but who may be rebellious or nonconformist in some respects); 边缘团体; 外围团体(不太密切地隶属于一较大团体或政党,但在某些方面可能不一致行动); hence, 由此产生, I ~ 'medicine/'theatre, etc. 辅药(外围戏院等)。 3 part of hair cut short and allowed to hang over the forehead. 额头之垂发; 刘海。 vt [VP6A] put a ~ on; be a ~ to: 加以缝; 饰以边; 作为…之通 W: a roadside ~d with trees. 植有树的路边。




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