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单词 pronounce
pronounce/prə′naʊns/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /t/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)发(单词字母的)音 (make the sound of (a word letter etc) in a certain way) [T+n]: He~s his words clearly. 他的单词发音很清楚。use dictionary to find out how to~unfamiliar words 用字典查不熟悉的单词如何发音;How do you~“flaccid”? “Flaccid”这个词你如何发音?I can't~his name. 我不知道他的名字怎样读。The “b” in “comb” is not~d.“Comb” 中的“b”不发音。Foreigners find it hard to~many words in English. 外国人发现很多英文单词很难发音。〖同〗sound;

(2)宣布(告),断(声)言 (state or declare officially or with ceremony; declare as one's opinion esp after consideration) [T+n T+n+prep T+that C+n+adj]: Has the judgement been~d yet? 判决已经宣布了吗?The judge~d the sentence. 法官宣布了判决。The doctor~d that the man was out of danger. 医生宣布那人已经脱离危险。~sb not guilty 宣布某人无罪;The doctor~d the man (to be) dead. 医生宣布那人已经死亡。~the picture (to be) genuine 断言该画是真的;(dinner) be~d excellent by all the guests 所有的客人都说(晚饭)好极了;~oneself satisfied with sth 说自己对某事表示满意;I now~you man and wife. 我现在宣布你们为夫妻。〖同〗declare,announce;

(3) 1)判决 (pass judgement in court) [I+prep(for/against)]: The judge~d for/against the defendant. 法官判决被告胜诉/败诉。(court)~against sb's claim (to the land)/appeal (法庭)驳回某人(对土地所有权的)要求/某人的上诉; 2) (尤指正式)表示意见 (give one's fixed opinion on sth esp formally) [I+prep(on/upon)]:~on the proposed new legislation/effect of widening the bridge 对拟议的新法规/加宽桥会产生的影响表示意见;I do not consider myself qualified to~on a matter of which I have so little knowledge. 我认为我没有资格对一件我几乎一无所知的事发表意见。

→pro′nounceable adj 能够被发音的;pro′nounced adj 显著(明显)的;(指意见、观点等)明确的;pro′nouncedly adv显著(明显)地;(指意见、观点等)明确地;pro′nouncement n 声明,公告;pro͵nunci-′ation n 发音





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