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单词 prohibit
prohibit/prə′hɪbɪt, AmE proʊ′-/ vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1)禁止(某人做某事) (stop (sb) from doing (sth)) [T+n T+n+prep(from)](fml):~the use of lead in petrol 禁止在汽油中加铅;Visitors are~ed before 2 o'clock. 两点以前禁止参观。Picking flowers in the park is~ed. 公园里禁止摘花。Smoking is strictly~ed here. 此处严禁吸烟。Nuclear weapons should be totally~ed. 应该完全禁止核武器。a regulation to~parking in the city centre 禁止在市中心停车的法规;~the sale of pornographic literature 禁止销售黄色文学作品;(law)~tobacconists from selling cigarettes to children (法律)禁止烟草制品零售商将香烟卖给儿童;We were~ed from travelling by the bad weather. 由于天气不好使我们不能旅行。He threw himself in front of the door and~ed us from leaving. 他挡在门前面不让我们走。〖同〗forbid,disallow; 〖反〗permit,allow;

(2)使不可能,阻止(make impossible; prevent) [T+n](fml): (high cost)~the widespread use of the drug (高成本)使该药不能广泛使用;Family finances~ed his going to college. 他家庭的经济状况使他上不了大学。His small size~ed his becoming a policeman.他矮小的身材使他当不了警察。〖同〗prevent; 〖反〗permit, let,allow;

→͵prohi′bition n 禁令(律);禁(阻)止;′prohi′bitionist n 禁酒主义者;赞成禁止某物者;pro′hibitive adj 禁令(律)的;禁(阻)止的;由于价格太高而令人买不起的;pro′hibitively adv禁令(律)地;禁(阻)止地;由于价格太高而令人买不起地;

【辨异】prohibit forbid的区别见FORBID。





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