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单词 property
property/′prɒpəti, AmE ′prɑ:pər-/ n [-yies / ɪz/]

(1)财物(产),所有物 (thing or things that sb owns; possession(s)) [U]: sb's personal~某人的私人财产;common/stolen~共同的财物/赃物;Their job is to protect private~. 他们的工作是保护私人财产。Is this your~? 这是你的东西吗?own a great deal of~拥有大量财产;He could put all his~, except his bicycle, into two suitcases. 他能把他除了自行车以外的所有财产都装进两只提箱内。He left all his~to his son. 他将他所有的财产都留给了儿子。Ask for your purse at the lost-~office. 到失物招领处去认领你的钱包。〖同〗belongings,possessions;

(2)地(房)产,房地产,不动产 (land buildings or both together; real estate) [U]: real~不动产;a man of~有房地产者;a~owner 房(地)产主;invest one's money in~投资房地产;The city is growing and~in the centre is becoming more valuable. 城市正在扩大,市中心的房地产越来越值钱。We are interested in buying~in Vermont. 我们对在佛蒙特购买房地产有兴趣。~development/management/speculation 房地产开发/管理/投机;〖同〗land,real estate;

(3)(一处)房(地)产,(一处)房地产 (building piece of land or both together) [C] (fml): The farm-house is the~of Mr Jones. 这所农舍是琼斯先生的房产。He has a~in London. 他在伦敦有一处房地产。The two~ies are divided by a fence. 一道篱笆将两块地产分开。several~ies to be let 几处要出租的房产;〖同〗land,real estate;

(4)所有(财产)权 (ownership) [U](fml): P~brings duties and responsibilities. 所有权包括义务和责任。~in land 土地所有权;There is no~in the seashore. 海岸不能据为己有。

(5)性质(能),特性(征) (quality power or effect that belongs naturally to sth) [C, 尤 pl][N(of)](fml): the chemical~ies of metal 金属的化学性质;the physical~ies of substances 这些物质的物理性能;a~of sb's personality 某人的个性特点;Soap has the~of removing dirt. 肥皂具有去污性能。A lot of plants have medicinal~ies. 许多植物具有治疗性能。〖同〗quality,characteristic,feature;

(6)道具 (small article (such as a weapon piece of furniture etc) that is used on the stage in the acting of a play) [C, 通常sing](= prop (infml)): the~ies for the television series 该电视连续剧所用的道具;

→′propertied adj 有地产的;






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