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单词 耳濡目染

耳濡目染ěr rú mù rǎn

be imbued with what one has seen and heard; be imperceptibly influenced by what one constantly sees and hears; be influenced (/coloured) by one’s surroundings; take in the impact of one’s circumstances; what one constantly sees and hears are liable to rub in his mind (/make their influence felt/grow on him)
❍ ~,诚然也不免来抬棺材砍指头,哭孙陵,宣誓出发的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—143) So of course men cannot help being influenced and acting as pallbearers,cutting off fingers,weeping at Sun Yat-sen’s tomb,and vowing to set out.
❍ 但他于历史画其实是不相宜的; 他久居上海的租界里,~,最擅长的倒在作“恶鸨虐妓”,“流氓拆梢” 一类的时事画,…… (鲁迅《朝花夕拾》100) For he was so thoroughly imbued with what he had seen and heard in the course of his long residence in the International Settlement in Shanghai that what he really excelled at was con temporary scenes such as “A Fierce Band Abuses a Prostitute”or “A Hooligan Advances to a Woman.”/可是,现在风气太坏,年青人~,——况且那么大的儿子,也管不住他的脚。(茅盾《子夜》295) The only snag is that morals are so slack these days,and young people take to the new ways so easily—anyway,Xintuo isn’t a child any longer,and you can’t very well keep him in check.

耳濡目染ěr rú mù rǎn

濡、染:沾染。比喻听多了看多了,无形中也受到影响。influence of surroundings, the impact of circumstances, be imbued with what one has seen and heard, coloured by what one sees and hears constantly





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