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单词 prove
prove/pru:v/ v [-d,-d /d/; AmE proven/′pru:vn/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)证明(实) (show sth to be true or correct) [T+n T+that D+n+prep(to), D+to+n+that]:~a theory/sb's guilt 证明一个理论/某人有罪;~one's courage in battle 在战斗中证明自己的勇敢;The lawyer~d the innocence of his client. 律师证实他的委托人是无罪的。The exception~s the rule. 例外证实有规则存在。Can you~that you have a legal claim to the estate/that she is guilty/where you were on June 1st? 你能证明你对这笔不动产拥有合法权利吗/她有罪吗/6月1日你在哪里吗?Scientists must~that the medicine will work. 科学家必须证明这种药有效。Eyewitness testimony~d he was innocent. 目击者的作证证实他无罪。~sth to sb/the court 向某人/法庭证实某事;I can~it to him. 我能向他证明那件事。He~d to me that the witness was not speaking the truth. 他向我证明证人没有讲真话。〖同〗establish,confirm,affirm; 〖反〗disprove;

(2)事实证明,(后来)证明是 (show oneself afterwards to be of the quality stated; turn out to be sth) [L+adj L+n C+n(oneself)+adj/n C+n(oneself)+to-inf]: His advice did~sound. 事实证明他的建议的确很好。The article has~d useful. 事实证明那篇文章很有用。It~d a waste. 那后来证明是浪费。I imagined it would~a very easy task. 我设想那会是一个很简单的任务。His story/His suspicions~d (to be) false. 他的故事/怀疑后来证明是假的。The task~d to be very difficult. 那任务后来证明是非常困难的。On that long journey, he~d himself (to be) an amusing companion. 在那次漫长的旅途上,他证明自己是一个有趣的旅伴。

(3)验证(尤指遗嘱的)真实性 (establish the genuineness of (esp a will))[T+n] (= AmE probate): The will had to be~d before he could inherit. 遗嘱须经验证后他才能继承遗产。

(4)验证,考验(establish the quality of sth by a test or demonstration) [T+n]:~a man's worth/a servant's honesty 验证一个人的价值/考验仆人的诚实;He devised a system for~ing new marketing techniques. 他设计了一个系统来验证新的营销技巧。〖同〗test,try,check,analyse,examine;

(5)(指面团)发酵 ((of dough) increase in size because of the action of yeast) [I]: He left the dough to~for an hour. 他将面团发酵一个小时。

prove sb's/the case/point 证明某人的情况(观点)正确: quote figures to~sb's case 引用数字来证明某人的情况正确;He claimed that money had been wasted and their financial difficulties~d his point. 他声称钱都浪费了,他们的财政困难证明他的观点是正确的。

→′provable adj 能被证明的;′provably adv 能被证明地;′proven adj 被证明的;证明是成功的





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