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单词 promise
promise/′prɒmɪs, AmE ′prɑ:m-/ n [-s / ɪz/]; v [-s / ɪz/; -d,-d /t/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)允(承)诺,诺言 (declaration that one will or will not do a certain thing) [C][N (of)]: break/carry out/fulfil/give/make a~不守/履行/兑现/作出/许下诺言;trust sb's~to do sth 相信某人做某事的承诺;keep one's~to write home once a month 信守自己每月给家里写一封信的诺言;When this happens, they will not hesitate to tear up their own~s. 当这事发生时,他们会毫不犹豫地取消自己的承诺。tell sb the truth under the~of secrecy 在许诺保密的情况下告诉某人真相;receive many~s of help 得到给予帮助的很多承诺;keep/hold sb to his~使某人信守其诺言;Give me your~that you'll never do that again. 向我保证以后决不再干那件事。〖同〗word,guarantee;

(2)(某事发生的)可能性 (sign of sth that will happen) [C U][N(of)]: I can feel a~of better weather next week 我能感觉出下周天气会更好。~of happiness/peace 幸福/和平的希望;little~of success for the expedition 探险成功的可能微乎其微;There's a~of spring in the air. 空气中已经有了春天的气息。

(3)(成功的)希望,前途 (sign of future success or good results) [U]: a poet/musician/writer of~有希望的诗人/音乐家/作家;The crops are full of~. 庄稼丰收在望。He/His work shows great~. 他/他的工作显得很有前途。She shows great~as a pianist. 她很有希望成为钢琴家。〖同〗potential;

v (1)(对某人)允诺,答应 (make a promise (to sb say or give one's assurance) [I T+n T+that T+to-inf D+n+n D+n+prep(to), D+n+that]: “Will you come?” “Yes, I~.” “你来吗?”“我保证来。”They~d an immediate reply. 他们答应迅速作出答复。~secrecy/a thorough investigation into the affair/a new bike 允诺保密/彻底调查那件事/买一辆新自行车;I can't~anything. 我不能作出任何承诺。He~d (me) that the roof should be repaired within two days/he would never waste any time like that again. 他答应(我)两天之内把房顶修好/再也不像那样浪费时间了。~(sb) to see sb home/obey sb's commands/take a thorough rest (向某人)允诺送某人回家/服从某人的命令/彻底休息一下;They~d never to tell anyone. 他们承诺永远不告诉任何人。I want you to~me one thing. 我想让你答应我一件事。~sb one's help/an orange 答应给某人帮助/一个橘子;I can't give you the book; I've~ed it to Susan. 我不能把书给你。我已经答应给苏珊了。the~d land 《圣经》中上帝赐给以色列人的肥沃土地,迦南;任何有希望找到幸福的地方;〖同〗guarantee,assure,swear;

(2)预示(show signs of future events or developments) [T+n T+to-inf]: The rainbow/Early mist~s fair weather/a fine day. 彩虹/晨雾预示好天气/晴天。The clouds~rain. 阴云预示有雨。The apple trees don't~much of a crop this year. 这些苹果树今年收成不会太好。It~s to be cold this afternoon. 下午天气可能会冷。She~s to be a brilliant musician. 她有希望成为一位出色的音乐家。This situation/new sales policy~s well for the future. 这种形势/新的销售政策预示着将来前景会很乐观。〖同〗indicate, imply;

I (can) promise you 可以肯定,我敢向你保证 (infml): He'll never forgive you, I~you. 他永远不会饶恕你的,我敢保证。

promise (sb) the earth/moon 答应(某人)不可能办到的事(infml): I can't~you the moon, but I'll do the best job I can. 我不能空口许愿,但我会尽力而为。

→′promising adj 有希望的;′promisingly adv有希望地





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