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单词 proportion
proportion/prə′pɔ:ʃn, AmE -′pɔ:r-/ n

(1)(整体中的)部分 (part or share of a whole) [C][N(of)]: You have not done your~of the work. 你没有完成你的那部分工作。the~of gold in an alloy 一种合金中金子的成分;a large~of the population/the earth's surface/the report/sb's time 人口/地球表面/报告/某人时间的一大部分;Only a small~of the class passed the examination. 班里仅有一小部分人通过了考试。a fixed~of sth 某物中比例固定的部分;What~of their wages do they spend on rent? 他们工资中的多大部分用于房租?〖同〗part,fraction,share;

(2)比例均衡(匀称),相称,成比例 (correct or ideal relationship between the size position and shape of the different parts of a whole) [U C, 通常pl]: a room of good~s 各方面都很相称的房间;His drawings lack~s. 他的画缺少对称;The two doors are in admirable~. 两扇门非常相称。The length and height of the room were in~. 房间的长度和高度比例匀称。〖同〗correspondence,harmony; 〖反〗disproportion,disharmony;

(3)比(例) (relationship between sth and another thing when comparing number amount size etc) [U][N(of,to)]: the~of imports to exports/passes to failures in the examination进出口/考试及格与不及格的比例;What is the~of boys to girls in the mathematics class? 上数学课的男女生的比例是多少?The~of women to men at the meeting was small. 参加会议的女性与男性之比很小。For this dish, the butter and flour should be in the~of three to four. 在这道菜中,黄油与面粉的比例应是三比四。〖同〗relationship;

(4)尺寸,大小(size; measurements or dimensions) [pl]: a ship of majestic~s 一艘体积庞大的船;a building/a city/a business company/a painting/a man of huge~s 一座很大的建筑物/一座很大的城市/一个很大的公司/一幅尺寸很大的画/一个块头很大的人;The~s of the room allowed us to put in a grand piano. 房间的大小足够我们放进一架大钢琴。〖同〗dimensions,size,extent;

(5)(数学)比例关系 ((in mathematics) relationship between four numbers in which the ratio of the first two equals the ratio of the second two) [U]: “2 is to 4 as 5 is to 10” is a statement of~. 2比4和5比10成比例关系。5/8 and 15/24 are in~. 5/8和15/24成比例关系。

in proportion to 与……成比例: The amount of money you get will be in~to the work you do. 你拿到的钱将与你干的活儿成比例。

out of proportion (to) 与……不成比例, 不相称: His head is out of~to the size of his body. 他的头与他的身材不成比例。A drawing is out of~if one part is too big or small in comparison with another part. 如果一幅图画中的一部分与另一部分相比太大或太小,该画就不成比例。

out of (all) proportion to 太大(重): His earnings are out of all~to his skill and ability. 他的收入与他的技能相比太高了。punishment that was out of~to the offence committed 惩罚与所犯的罪行相比太重;

→pro′portional adj (成)比例的;相称的,均衡的;pro′portionally adv (成)比例地;相称地, 均衡地;pro′portionate adj 成比例的;相称的;vt 使成比例;使相称;pro′portionately adv 成比例地;相称地;pro′portioned adj 成某种比例的





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