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单词 progress
progress n/′prə ʊɡres, AmE ′prɑ:-, ′-ɡrəs/[-es / ɪz/];vi /prə′ɡres/ [-es / ɪz/]

n (1)前进 (movement forward or onward) [U]: make swift~toward/up the mountain 快速向那座山/向山上前进;make slow~through traffic 在车流中慢慢前进;(yacht) make good~with a following wind (游艇)顺风快速向前航行;the~of time 时间的推移;Further~was delayed by deep snow. 深深的积雪阻碍了继续前进。Heavy rains hindered the explorers'~through the jungle. 大雨使探险者不能在丛林中继续前进。〖同〗advance;

(2) 进步,发(进)展,改进(善) (improvement; advance towards a better state) [U]: the~of civilization 文明的进步;technological~技术进步;the~in transportation/the talks 运输的改进/谈判的进展;make~in one's job/studies 在工作/学习中取得进步;make good~with one's English 英语有很大进步; She's making good~after the operation. 她手术后正在好转。Has the nation's~been too fast? 国家的发展太快了吗?a~report 进展报告;〖同〗advance, achievement,development,improvement; 〖反〗loss,failure,decline;

(3)(帝王等的)巡行(游) (official or ceremonial journey esp made by a sovereign or ruler) [C]: a royal~皇帝巡行;

in progress 在进行中,在举行: The fight is still in~. 战斗仍在进行。

vi (1)前进 (advance) [I]:They suddenly realized how far they had~ed. 他们忽然意识到他们已经走出很远了。We had~ed only a few miles when the car broke down. 我们刚刚前进了几英里汽车就抛锚了。

(2)进步(展),好转 (improve) [I]: My knowledge of French~es steadily. 我的法语水平稳步提高。How is your violin playing~ing? 你拉小提琴有多大进步?How is the work~ing? 工作进展如何?Have you~ed in your studies? 你的学习有进步了吗?Construction of the new hospital is~ing according to schedule. 新医院的建设正在按计划进行。She had~ed to the point where she no longer needed a piano teacher. 她已经进步到不再需要钢琴教师的水平了。He~ed within the company so fast he was made a vice-president in two years. 他在公司里进步非常快,两年后就担任了副总裁。She's~ing well after the accident. 那次事故之后,她正在逐渐好起来。〖同〗advance,improve,develop;

→pro′gression n 进步;前进;pro′gressive adj 进步(先进)的;渐次(进)的;n 进步分子(人士);革新主义者;pro′gressively adv渐次(进)地;pro′gressiveness n 进步,先进;渐进





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