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单词 project
projectn/′prɒjekt, AmE ′prɑ:-/; v /prə′jekt/[-ed, -ed / ɪd/]

n (1)计(规)划 (plan (for work or undertaking)) [C]: a building/a housing development~建筑/住房发展规划;a~to establish two new national parks 建立两座新的国家公园的计划;a~for making the desert fertile 一项使沙漠变沃土的计划;carry out/form a~执行/制定一个计划;fail in a~ 一计划失败;accept a~to design a new car 接受一个设计新汽车的计划;the cancellation of a~一个计划的取消;My~this year is to refurnish the room. 我今年打算重新为这个房间配些家具。〖同〗undertaking,job,task,work,activity,scheme;

(2)(学生的)学习或研究项目(piece of study or research) [C]: I am doing a~on Italian art/the life of fish/the Roman occupation of Britain. 我正在从事一项意大利艺术/鱼类生活/罗马人占领英国的研究。〖同〗undertaking,job,task,work;

v(1)计(规)划 (plan sth to happen in the future; design) [T+n, 尤pass]:~a new superhighway/dam 设计建设一条新的高速公路/一座新的大坝;Could you~a new marketing technique for us? 你能为我们设计一种新的营销技巧吗?They are opposed to the~ed war. 他们反对计划中的战争。our~ed visit to the United States 我们计划对美国的访问;A tunnel was~ed between England and France. 计划在英国和法国之间修一条隧道。〖同〗plan,design;

(2)使(影像)投射(到一个表面上),放映 (cause (an image of sth) to be produced (on a surface)) [T+n T+n+prep(on/onto)]:~a photograph onto a wall 将一张照片的影像投射到墙上;~a slide on a screen/a beam of light on a statue 在屏幕上放幻灯片/将一束光投射到雕像上;The light~ed his shadow onto the wall. 光把他的影子投到墙上。~a film/picture on a screen 在银幕上放电影;

(3)发(投,喷)射 (shoot or throw forward or upward; hurl) [I T+n T+n+prep(into)]: A stream of water~ed from the fountain. 一股水流从喷泉喷出。An automatic triggering device~ed the missile toward its target. 一个自动发射装置将导弹射向目标。The catapult~ed stones into the air. 弹弓将石块射向空中。Remember to~your voice so that you're heard in the last row. 记住要大声说话,让最后一排的人也能听到。Try to~your thoughts into the future and imagine what life will be like in 1500 years. (fig) 试想一下将来,1500年后生活将会是什么样。

(4)伸(突)出 (stand out from the edge or surface; jut out) [I I+prep]: a pipe that~s over the top of the wall 伸出墙顶的管子;a balcony that~s over the street 突出到街上的阳台;a sharp rock that~ed from the sea 从海中突出的尖头礁石;the rocky point~ing far into the water 探入水面的岩石尖;Ledges~about one foot all around the building. 这座建筑的四周有约一英尺的出檐。Nails that~from the wall may tear you clothes. 墙上突出的钉子可能会剐破衣服。(hands)~a little too far from the sleeves(手)从袖子里伸出得有点多(意即袖子有点短);〖同〗extent, overhang;

(5)设想别人与自己有同样的感觉(尤指不好的感觉),投射(感觉) (imagine (one's own esp bad feelings or thoughts) as being experienced by others) [T+n+prep(on to), I]:~one's guilt on to sb 以为某人也与自己同样内疚;You're~ing again: I'm not angry with you, it's you who are angry with me. 你又主观想象了;我没生你的气,是你在生我的气。

(6) 1)作(固体,尤指弯曲物体)的投影图 (make a picture of (a solid esp curved object) on a flat surface) [T+n]; 2)用投影法绘制(地图) (make (a map) by this means) [T+n]: The map maker~ed the world as the section of a cylinder suspended in the centre of the circular vault of heaven. 绘图者所绘制的地球投影图就像一个悬挂在天穹中央的圆柱截面。

(7)表明……的特点,使……特点呈现 (make known the characteristics of) [T+n]: He~s a masculine image. 他的形象具有男子汉气概。A politician must~himself if he wants to win an election. 一个政治家如果想在竞选中获胜就必须展示自己。do an important job~ing Great Britain overseas 做向海外介绍英国的重要工作;~oneself as a reformer 把自己表现成一个改革者;

(8)(根据已知数据)预言(测) (predict (results) based on known data) [T+n T+n+prep(to)]:~next month's sales/the weather for the coming week 预测下月的销售情况/预报下周天气;~population growth to the year 2010 预测2010年人口的增长;The population of that city is~ed to rise to seven million. 预计那个城市的人口将增长到700万。〖同〗estimate,forecast,calculate;

→pro′jection n 设计,规划;投影(射),发射;投影图;凸出(物);预(推)测,估计;pro′jectionist n 电影放映员;pro′jector n 投影仪;′projectile n 抛射体;射弹(如子弹、炮弹等);自动推进的武器(如火箭);pro′jectile adj 抛射的;供抛射用的;






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