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单词 protect
protect/prə′tekt/ vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1)保护(卫),保护……使免受危险 (guard or defend from danger; keep safe) [T+n T+n+prep(against/from)]: Which type of helmet~s the head best? 哪种头盔保护头部的性能最好?fight to~one's country 为保卫自己的国家而战;~the rights and interests of sb 保护某人的权利和利益;It is his duty to~his sisters. 保护他的姐妹是他的责任。(hard shell of a nut)~the seed inside it (坚果坚硬的外壳)保护里面的种子;(troops) be there to~the townspeople (军队)在那里保卫城市居民;electric wires~ed by a rubber covering 由橡胶外皮保护的电线;game laws that~certain species of bird 保护某些鸟类的狩猎法;His invention was~ed by a patent. 他的发明受到专利的保护。He wore gloves/a woollen scarf to~himself against cold. 他戴手套/一条羊毛围巾御寒。use an umbrella to~oneself from the rain 用雨伞挡雨;wear sunglasses to~one's eyes from the glare 戴墨镜保护自己的眼睛不受强光照射;~children from danger/society from dangerous criminals 保护孩子免受危险/社会不受危险罪犯的危害;〖同〗guard,defend,safeguard,secure,shelter,save; 〖反〗attack;

(2)(对进口货物征收关税以)保护(国内工业) (guard (home industries) against competition by taxing imported goods) [T+n]: The car industry of the country is strongly~ed. 该国的汽车工业受到强大的关税保护。

→pro′tection n 保护(卫);保护物;贸易保护措施;pro′tectionism n (贸易)保护主义;pro′tectionist n (贸易)保护主义者;pro′tective adj 保护(卫)的;贸易保护的;pro′tector n 保护(卫)者;保护装置(器);






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