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单词 满门抄斩

满门抄斩mǎn mén chāo zhǎn

kill the whole family,search the house and confiscate the property;kill sb and all his family
❍ 造反是杀头的罪名呵,我定要告一状,看你抓进县里去杀头—,~,—嚓!嚓!(《鲁迅选集》上—81) A rebel is punished by having his head chopped off. I shall have to turn informer,to see you carried into town to have your head cut off—you and all your family…kill,kill!/夏三爷真是乖角儿,要是他不先告官,连他~,现在怎样?银子!(《鲁迅选集》上—20) Third Uncle Xia is really smart. If he hadn’t informed,even his family would have been executed,and their property confiscated. But instead?Silver!

满门抄斩mǎn mén chāo zhǎn

过去指全家的财产被没收,人被杀死。exterminate every one of a family, kill the whole family, one’s whole family has been executed





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