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单词 half
half/hɑ:f,AmE hæf/ nhalves/hɑ:vz,AmE hævz];det,pron & adv

n (1)一(半)(one of two equal parts of anything which together form the whole thing)[C]:cut/break a cake in~/into halves 把蛋糕切/掰成两半;the second/bigger/other~第二部分/较大的那一半/另一半;join/stick two~ves together把两部分接合/黏在一起;a kilo/a mile and a~1.5公斤/英里;three and a~ounces/hours/miles 3.5盎司/小时/英里;〖反〗whole;

(2)(比赛的)半场(one of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided)[C]:score three goals in the first~上半场得了三分;

(3)半价票(ticket that is half the value or cost of an ordinary ticketeg on a bus or train for a child below a certain age)[C]:Three and two~ves to the city council hall,please.请给我去市政厅的三张整票,两张半票。

(4)半品脱(half a pint of)[C](infml,尤BrE):Three~ves of lager/bitter beer,please.请来三份半品脱淡/苦啤酒。

and a half 非常好(大,重要)(infml):a meal/a game and a~一顿丰盛的饭/一场精彩的比赛;

by halves 半途而废的,不彻底的:not do anything by~ves 做事情不要半途而废;

go half and half/go halves (with sb)平摊(费用):go~ves with sb in buying the wine/paying for the drinks 与某人分摊买葡萄酒/酒的钱;

det 一半(being half in amountdegreelengthetc):~an hour/a pint/a mile 半小时/品脱/英里;buy~a dozen apples 买半打苹果;eat~a pound of meat 吃半磅肉;~the fruit/the night/the story 半个水果/夜晚/故事;have a~share 有一半的股份;stand in a~circle 站成半个圆圈;give a sort of~smile 露出似笑非笑的样子;~a minute/a second/a tick 一会儿,很短的时间(infml)͵~past/(AmE) after one (时间)1点半;〖反〗whole;

half onetwoetc (BrE,infml) (时间)1点半(两点半……):go out at~nine 9点半出去;

half the battle最艰难的一部分:When you write an essay for class,making the outline is~the battle. 写学业论文时,列提纲是最难的部分。

pron 一半,半数(either of the 2 parts or group):~of ten/the apple/one's money 10/苹果/某人的钱的一半;need~需要一半;Out of 30 students,~passed. 30个学生中,一半通过了。

→͵half-and′half adj 对半混合(掺)的;′half-back n(足球,曲棍球)中卫;′half-brother n 异父(母)兄弟;′half-caste,′half-breed n 混血儿;͵half-′crown n 两个半先令;͵half-′hourly adj 每隔半小时的;͵half-′length adj 半身的;′half-life n 半衰期;′half-light n 暗淡的光线;͵half-′mast n(表示哀悼)下半旗;′half-note n 二分音符;′halfpenny n 半便士硬币;(1971年后)半便士新币;halfpenny worth n 半便士能买到的东西;很小的数量;͵half-′price adv 半价地;′half-sister n 异父(母)姐妹;͵half-′size adj 平常号码的一半;͵half-′term n 期中假;͵half-′time n 中场休息时间;′half-tone n 照相铜板;′half-track n 半履带式车辆;′half-truth n 只有部分真实性的陈述或报道;͵half-′way adj & adv半途的(地),不彻底的(地)′half-wit n 笨蛋,蠢人;͵half-′witted adj 愚蠢的,智力上有缺陷的;half-′yearly adj & adv 每隔半年的(地);

adv (1)一半地(to the extent of one half):The cup is~full. 杯子半满。The theatre was~empty. 剧院半空。The house is~hidden by the trees. 房子一半被树遮住了。a~empty tank 半空的容器;

(2)部分地(not completely;in part):be~cooked 做得半生不熟;~regret/hope that... 有点后悔/希望……;He's~recovered. 他已经有些恢复了。

half as many/muchetc again加半倍:need~as many again需要再增加半倍;~as big again加大一半;

not half 1)一点也不(infml):The flat/The food is not~bad.这房子/食物很不错。2)非常,在很大程度上(sl):be not~good/windy/annoyed/stupid很好/风很大/很生气/非常愚蠢;do not~swear/complain 大骂特骂/喋喋不休地抱怨;

not half as不比……更:feel not~as cold/bad觉得不冷/好多了;

→͵half-′baked adj 笨(愚蠢)的;͵half-′hardy adj(植物等)尚能禁得起一般寒冷的;͵half-′hearted adj 缺乏热情的;͵half-′heartedly adv无精打采地;͵half-′timbered adj(指房屋)木架结构的;

【用法】 1)half(半)、quarter(四分之一)和 whole(整个)都可用作名词,如:Two halves make a whole. 两个一半组成一个整体。Cut a pear into quarters.把一个梨切成四份。whole还可作形容词,例如:a whole hour整整一小时;half亦可作限定词,如:half the time/a mile一半时间/半英里;half还可作副词,如:The theater was half empty.剧场空了一半。 2)当1½说成是one and a half(一个半)时,其后名词用复数形式,例如:One and a half months(一个半月);当说成是 a...and a half(一个半)时,则其后名词用单数形式,例如:a month and a half(一个半月); 3)在 AmE 中,一些人认为a half mile 的说法比 half a mile 规范。





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