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单词 hail
hail2/heɪl/ v,interj & n

v (1) 1)打招呼(以引起注意)(shoutcall to attract attention)[T+n]:~an actress/a person with joy from across the street高兴地从街那边向一女演员/一个人打招呼;Cheerful voices~sb. 向某人欢呼。within~ing distance在听得见的距离以内; 2)叫……停下(shout or signal to a caretc to stop)[T+n]:~a cab/an approaching ship招呼出租汽车/开过来的船停下;

(2)向……欢呼,致敬,称颂(recognize sb or sth as sth or as important by calling out (a title))[C+n+prep (as)]:They~ed him as the saviour of their country.他们称颂他为国家的救星。His discoveries were~ed as a great medical advance.他的发现被称颂为医学方面的一大进步。~sb as a hero/a king 高呼某人为英雄/拥戴某人为国王;〖同〗 cheer;

(3)来自(come from)[I+prep (from)]:~from Manchester/all parts of the country来自曼彻斯特/全国各地;

be hail-fellow-well-met (with sb)(有时derog):(对某人)很友好,一见如故:John just moved to town but he and the boys in the neighbourhood are already~-fellow-well-met. 约翰刚搬到城里,就和邻里的男孩子们玩得火热了。

interj 欢迎(arch)(word of greeting):H~,Napoleon!拿破仑万岁!

n 呼叫(call or calls to a ship or person for the purpose of attracting attention)[C]:Through the fog we heard a~from another ship.在大雾中我们听见从另一条船上传来了呼叫声。The ship moved on without heeding our~s.那艘船没有理睬我们的呼叫,继续向前行驶。





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