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单词 危在旦夕

危在旦夕wēi zài dàn xī

at death’s door; in imminent disaster; in deadly (/imminent) danger;on the verge of death or destruction; the situation is critical
❍ 社稷宗庙,~。(《聊斋志异·莲花公主》676) The fate of our temples and ancestral halls is now a mere question of hours. ”/“什么新闻?”白求恩急遽地转身,激动地说,“慕尼黑协定! 马德里~! ……这整个世界发了邪!”(张骏祥、赵拓《白求恩大夫》) “News? ”Bethune whirls to face them. He says heatedly: “The Munich Pact. Madrid is about to fall. …The whole world has gone mad.”/陶曰: “天下~,陛下尚自与阉官共饮耶!”(《三国演义》16) “Sir,how can you be feasting with these when the Empire is at the last gasp? ”said Liu Tao.
❍ 张宗昌的军队被困在芦台、泺州一带,前后夹击,~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》216) Zhang Zongchang’s troops were in a desperate position on the Lutai-Luanzhou sector as they were under attack from two directions,and disaster was imminent.
❍ 重庆已经~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》575) Chongqing will fall any day now.
❍ 成都~,公何不应天顺人,仗义来归?(《三国演义》1011) Your capital must quickly fall.Why then do you not bow to the will of Heaven and fall in with the desires of men by acting rightly and coming over to our side?/四乡农民不稳,镇上兵力单薄,~,如何应急之处,乞速电复。费,巧。(茅盾《子夜》59) Unrest among peasants,troops inadequate,si tuation critical,advise measures,urgent,Fei,7th.

危在旦夕wei zai dan xi

hang by a thread


hang by a thread; be in imminent danger;be on the verge of destruction

危在旦夕wēi zài dàn xī

旦:早晨;夕:晚上。形容非常短的时间。on the verge of death or destruction, in imminent danger, be at death’s door





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