释义 |
渺无人迹渺无人烟miǎo wú rén jīuninhabited; uninhabitable ❍ 骆驼队在~的沙漠地带走了几天几夜。The caravan had been travelling in the remote and uninhabited desert for a few days and nights. ❍ 敌人沿基密尔草原逃窜,对他们的行进速度来讲,是最有利的。因为草原上渺无人烟,匪徒们即不用顾虑民兵对他们的打击。(曲波《林海雪原》536) From the point of view of speed,the Jimir Grassland is the best possible route for the enemy. With no inhabited places,they don’t have to worry about people’s militias./……翻越了高耸入云的莽莽雪山,跋涉了渺无人烟的浩瀚草地,胜利地完成了具有伟大历史意义的二万五千里长征。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—145)…the Red Army scaled perpetually snow-capped mountains,trekked across uninhabitable marshes and triumphantly completed the Long March of 25,000 li,an achievement of great historical significance. |