释义 |
remaindern. remnant残余物。 △H.VIII.5.4.21 (5.3.20):“You see the poor remainder”,(He holds up ei-ther a broken remnant of a cudgel,or perhaps a cudg-el of more moderate size,with the jocular pretencethat the rest of it is worn away.)你看看剩下来的这可怜的一截儿。 remainder biscuit: ship’s hard dry biscuit left in storeat the end of a voyage (一次航海结束时)船上所剩余的饼干。 △ As.2.7.38:“his brain,/ Which is as dry as the re-mainder biscuit/ After a voyage,” (A dry brain wasthought to have a good memory.)他的脑筋,就像航海过后剩下的饼干那样干燥。(按:当时认为脑筋干燥则有好的记忆 力。) |