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❶ (危险) danger; peril: 居安思 ~ think of danger in times of peace; 临 ~ 不惧 face danger fearlessly; betray no fear in an hour of danger; 转 ~ 为安 take a turn for the better and be out of danger
❷ [书] (屋脊) ridge (of a roof)
❸ (二十八宿之一) Wei, one of the lunar mansions
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 全讽 Wei Quanfeng Ⅱ (使处于危险境地; 危害) endanger; imperil; jeopardize: ~ 及某人的生命[财产; 名誉; 安全] endanger sb.'s life [property, reputation, security]; 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而 ~ 及商船的航行。 Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping. 他的愚蠢行为可能会 ~ 及他的整个前程。 His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy. Ⅲ ❶ (危险的; 不安全) dangerous; perilous: ~ 局 a dangerous situation
❷ (人快要死去) dying: 病 ~ be critically ill; be dying
❸ [书] (高) high; preciptous: ~ 楼 a high tower; ~ 崖 a preciptous cliff
❹ [书] (端正) proper; upright: 正襟 ~ 坐 sit up properly
◆危殆 [书] in great danger; in jeopardy; in a critical condition; 危地马拉 Guatemala; 危笃 [书] critically [seriously] ill; on the point of death; 危房 dilapidated building; building in a state of disrepair; dangerous building; 危海 Mare Crisium; 危害 harm; endanger; detriment; damage; jeopardize; 危机 crisis; crunch; 危机四伏 be threatened by growing crisis; A crisis of danger lurks in four corners.; be plagued by crisis; be ridden [beset] with crisis; crisis-ridden; crisis occur here and there; beset with crisis; 危及 endanger; imperil; 危急 critical; in imminent danger; in a desperate situation; 危急关头 be at a critical juncture [moment]; 危急万状 be in deadly danger; in dire peril; 危局 a dangerous situation; a critical situation; a desperate situation;
危惧 worry and fear; be apprehensive; 危卵之急 as precarious as a stack [pile] of eggs; be in as hazardous as a pile of eggs heaped upon each other; be in great danger; be in jeopardy; 危难 danger and disaster; calamity; 危然高坐 sit high; 危如累卵 be as dangerous as eggs piled one on the other; as precarious as a stack [pile] of eggs; be in as precarious a situation as a pile of eggs heaped upon each other; be in jeopardy; hazardous [precarious] like a pile of eggs; in an extremely precarious situation; 危如朝露 be in imminent danger as the morning dew, vanishing soon after the sun shines on it; be extremely in danger; 危亡 in peril; at stake; 危危欲坠 crumbling; on the verge of collapse; ramshackle; 危险 dangerous; perilous; risk; peril; danger; 危险重重 be full of peril;
危险点 peril point; dangerous point; 危险品 hazardous article; dangerous cargo; 危险品包装 dangerous articles package; 危险区 {航空} caution area; danger area; danger zone; 危象 crisis; 危言耸听 say frightening things just to raise an alarm; an alarmist talk; A shocking statement attracts attention.; exaggerate just to scare people; exaggerate things just to scare people; make an inflammatory statement; make a startling; raise a false alarm; statement in order to create a sensation; use lofty words to excite one to listen; 危言危行 cautious speech and conduct; 危在旦夕 on the verge of death or destruction; at death's door; be at the last gasp; be in deadly danger; be not worth a day's purchase; be now a mere question of hours; Danger may come any day [time].; Death is expected at any moment.; in imminent danger; One may die in the morning or at night.; The danger lies between morning and evening — death is imminent.; 危重 critical; grave





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