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单词 引风吹火

引风吹火yǐn fēng chuī huǒ

help the wind to fan the fire/‘坐山看虎斗’,‘借刀杀人’,‘~’,‘站干岸儿’,‘推倒了油瓶儿不扶’,都是全挂子的本事; …… (《红楼梦》177)❶Talk about’sitting on a hill to watch tigers fight’,‘murdering with a borrowed sword’,‘bor rowing wind to fan the fire’,‘watching people drown from a dry bank’ and ‘not troubling to right an oil bottle that’s been knocked over’—they’re all old hands at such tricks.
❷Those old women know just how to sit on the mountain top and watch the tigers fight; how to murder with a borrowed knife,or help the wind to fan the fire. They will look on safely from the bank while you are drowning in the river. And the fallen oil-bottle can drain away; they are not goingto pick it up.





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更新时间:2025/3/2 1:09:23