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单词 危如累卵

危如累卵累卵之危;危卵之急wēi rú lěi luǎn

as precarious as a pile of eggs; at stake; in an extremely precarious situation; in great peril; verge on ruin
❍ 魏有张禄先生,天下辩士也。曰 ‘秦王之国危於累卵,得臣则安。然不可以书传也。’ 臣故载来。(《史记·范睢蔡泽列传》) Master Zhang Lu of Wei is a great orator. He says that your kingdom is in greater peril than eggs placed one on top of the other. He has a plan to make it safe,but since he would not put this down in writing I have brought him back with me.
❍ 这个江山已经~,你做皇亲的还如此袖手旁观,一毛不拔!(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—698) Now the empire is verging on ruin and yet you,an imperial relative,remain quite aloof and won’t even lift a finger to help.
❍ 允跪而言曰:“百姓有倒悬之危,君臣有危卵之急,非汝不能救也……”(《三国演义》66) Wang Yun knelt saying,“The people are on the brink of destruction,the prince and his officers are in jeopardy,and you,you the only saviour…”

危如累卵wei ru lei luan

as hazardous as a pile of eggs

危如累卵wēi rú lěi luǎn

危险像垒起来的蛋一样,很容易倒塌打碎。比喻情况十分危险。in a precarious situation, as precarious as a pile of eggs, be on thin ice





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