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单词 absolute
释义 absolute /'sebsdlu: t; d8s,lut/ adj 1 complete; perfect: 完全的: A child usually has ~ trust in its mother. 小孩通常完全信任其母亲。 When giving evidence in a law court, we must tell the ~ truth. 在法庭作证时,我们必须完全照实说。 2 unlimited; having complete or arbitrary power: 无限制的; 有绝对权力的; 有独裁权的; 专制的: An ~ ruler need not ask anyone for permission to do anything. 一个有绝对权力的统治者做任何事都不必征得任何人的同意。 3 real; undoubted: 真实的; 无疑的: It is an ~ fact. 那是绝对的事实。 He must not be punished unless you have ~ proof of his guilt. 他不可受惩罚, 除非你有确实的证据证明他有罪。 4 unconditional; unqualified: 无条件的: An ~ promise must be kept whatever happens. 无条件的诺言无论在任何情形下都必须遵守。 5 not relative; not dependent on or measured by other things. 非相对的; 非基于他物或以他物来衡量的; 绝对的。 ~ zero, lowest temperature theoretically possible, =-273.15 °C. 绝对零度 (理论上的最低温度,等于摄氏零下 273.15 度) 。 → App 5. 参看附录五。 ~ly adv 1 completely: 完全地: ~ impossible; 绝对不可能; ~ly right. 完全对。 2 unconditionally: 无条件地: He refused ~ly. 他说什么都不答应。 3 /.aebsa'luth;'lutli/ (coiloq, in answer to a question, or as a comment) quite so; certainly. (俗,作为对一问题的回答或评语) 十分对; 对极了; 当然。 absolutism /'aebsalvctizam; 'aebsslutjzam/ n (pol) ~ (2) governments despotism. (政治) 专制政治; 专制主义。




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